Meeting him

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Plz read the important note at the end
This is zach
~candice P.O.V~
We were stirring on my bed when mom shouted that I should get ready . I groaned and got up . I went to my closet  and chose a pink crop top with white shorts and white converse. I think that was enough. I went to the bathroom to change.
"Do you want me to help you?"rayan said with his signature smirk
I rolled my eyes at him and closed the bathroom door.
"You're such a pervert "I heard lily tell him
"Candice. He's here"mom shouted
I got out of the bathroom and applied a little makeup(lipstick eyeliner and mascara)
"Ready?"elsa said
I nodded and said"rayan I want you to act like you're my boyfriend . We'll go down holding hands. Got it?"
"You seriously want me to act like your boyfriend?"rayan said and I nodded
"Your mom will freak out ."taylor said
"I know and I want her to. She should know that she isn't the one who decide who is love . Not like I love rayan or anything."I said
"Candice"mom yelled
"We better go down . Ready?"I said looking at rayan .he nodded
We went downstairs holding hands
When we were down mom said:
"Zach I want you to meet candice. Candice meet zach"
"Hi zach. Mom zach I want you to meet my boyfriend rayan"I said
"Hi zach . Hi mrs swanepoel. "Rayan said and extending his hand to shake my mom but she rejected it
"Your boyfriend ?"mom said anger and betrayed seen in her eyes
"Yes mom rayan is my boyfriend . We started dating a month age. I waited for the right moment to tell you ."I said
"You think this is the right the moment?"she shouted
"Clearly not. But if I didn't tell you now it would be too late to tell you later"I said shrugging
"How did he even get in here? "Mom asked
"He entered through the window of my bedroom"I said
"So as I understood you let any boy enter your room through your window"mom said crossing her arms
"No. Rayan inset any boy. He's my boyfriend"I said
"What are you doing?"elsa whispered in my ear
"Trust me "I whispered back to her
"Break up With him now"mom ordered
"Never in your wildest dreams"I said
"Maybe this isn't the right time to meet her mrs swanepoel"zach said from behind my mom rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly
"No stay"mom said at the same time as I said"yes you should leave"
"I should probably go meet him . You know it's inappropriate to keep him waiting"I said and dragged rayan to the couch.lily elsa sara and taylor followed us and sat beside me
"I still think its a bad idea"lily said on a low voice so that zach and mom won't hear
"I think it's a wonderful idea"rayan said
"Your fake dating candice swanepoel. Of course you will think its a good idea"taylor said
"Will you guys shut up ? I know what I'm going "I whispered/yelled
"We will be back"zach said after telling mom that he needs to talk to her
When they exited the room lily said:
"Candice this isn't the correct way to tell your mothers that she can't have control over you"
"I know but that's the only plan that came into my mind . "I sighed
When zach and mom entered the room I sat on rayan's lap and pecked his lips.
"Candice "mom said in a warning tone. I just shrugged
"Zach wants to ask you questions .So both of you will go to your room because you want privacy"mom said looking at rayan
"No . These guys know everything about me so what do I have to hide?"I said
"Does he know what is your biggest fear?"mom said challenging
"Yes he knows . Rayan tell her"I said and mouthed to rayan "no more modelling"
"No more modelling"he said confidently
"Correct. when is my daughters ..."mom was going to ask but I interrupted her
"Mom I think it's time for zach to ask his questions"
"Fine zach go ahed"mom said and left the room
He sat at the opposite couch with a pencil and a notebook in his hand . I had the urge to roll my eyes at him .
"What type of guys do you like ?"
"I like tall guys with muscles . He should be an eight pack. Blue eyes and blonde hair . I like him having a British  accent Cz it'll look so hot"I said
"But your boyfriend isn't like the guy you just described"zach said
"He stole my heart by his personality. You know outer appearance isn't every thing"I said
"What should the personality of the guy be?"he asked
"He should be kind and love to help people. And he should be generous"
I know rayan isn't any of these but we'll he's acting. And this is really the personality I look for in a guy. I hope zach isn't like any of what I just said
"Really? Did your mother tell you that I have a charity of my own? And that I help poor families?"he said.
"Oh! That's nice . "I said . I can tell that he's lying
"So did you two finish?"mom asked entering the room
"Yeah . Did you know that he has a charity of his own? And that he helps poor families? " I said
"Really? That's wonderful. We would like to see your charity and see you help people"mom said cheerfully
"Umm.. I don't think that's a good idea."he said rubbing the back of your neck
"We'd love to see your charity. Unless you don't have one"I said
He kept silent and my mom gasped
"Your lying , aren't you?"she asked shocked
"I just wanted to impress candice"he defended him self
"We'll nobody impresses  me by lying."I said
"Get out of my house . And tell your parents the deal is over"mom said angrily
"Bye. " i said not hiding the happiness on my voice
"You'll regret it" he said and slammed the door shut
"That went well"lily said
"Thank you rayan"I said and got off his lap
"My pleasure"he said
"Now to meet my daughters boyfriend " mom said
"About that rayan isn't my boyfriend"I said
"What?"mom asked confused
" he pretended to be my boyfriend because I asked him to. I was hopping that is zach saw that I have a boyfriend he would leave me alone. But I guess that wasn't needed . I'm sorry mom"I said
"It's okay. And I'm the one that should be sorry . I shouldn't have made this deal in the first place"mom said as she hugged me
"Every one makes mistakes"I said.
"Do you want to celebrate? Jake is hosting a party at his house" rayan  said
I looked at my mom asking for permission. "Go have fun . " she said
"Thanks mom. "I said
As we were walking out of the door I heard her yell "don't get drunk"
15 min later at jakes party
Rayan knocked on the door and jake opened it
"It looks like we have guests"he said . He was drunk and you could tell by the smell of his breath.
We entered the house  . I was surprised that there wasn't a lot of people
"Candice . We forgot to put on out disguise "lily said
"It's okay , rayan had a photo shoot with me so we'll say that were friends if anyone asked us "I said
"Guys look its VS angels"someone yelled turning everyone's attention to us
We waved awkwardly .
"Can I take a photo with you?" Some one asked me. I nodded and smiled to the camera
All the people here are from our school but I didn't know them all. At the far end of the room I saw Molly making out with someone . I frowned at the sight .
"What's wrong ?"  Rayan asked
I pointed towards Molly
"I see she found another one to hook up with".  He said chuckling
I gave him  a look and then left . I went to the bar to get a drink but then I remember  that mom told me not to get drunk . One drink won't hurt right?
"What can I give you miss?" The guy behind the bar asked
"Give me a beer please"I said and he nodded and gripped the beer . He opened it and handed me the beer.
I took it and went to find lily . I saw her sitting on the couch with the rest of the angels and of course rayan . I went and sat next to lily
"You shouldn't drink. "Taylor said
"One drink won't hurt"I said and took a sip  from my beer .
It was now 11. Wow time travels fast.
"C'mon let's get you home"rayan said
"No I want to stay here.   I'm having so much fun" I pouted ,
I'm drunk and mom is going to kill me. Lily left with elsa and taylor and Alexandra's parents came and took her
"Your wasted  . Your coming to my house . " Ryan said
I hesitated but then  sighed and nodded . I took out my phone and told rayan to text my mother telling her that I'll be staying at Lily's house .
At rayan's house
"Rayan where were you? And  why are you here with another girl? You broke up with Molly one week ago" his mother said
"Mom this is ..."rayan began.
"No way!your candice swanepoel . Your my idol"his sister I guess on interrupted him
"Hi who are you?"I said smiling sweetly at the girl
"I'm rayan's sister. Can I take a photo with you?"she said
"Sure"i said and kneeled down so that I'm on her height and smiled
"Thank you . You made me the happiest girl alive"she said
I laughed and rayan rolled his eyes
"Mom shell be  sleeping in the guests room . I'll give her clothes. Goodnight"he said as she pushed me towards the stairs
"Goodnight "I said .
As I was going up the stairs I stumbled with my own feet and heard rayan laughing
"Let me carry you"he said and carried me to the guest room after stopping at his room and got me clothes
"Goodnight"he said and left
I changed and fell asleep on the comfy bed
I'm thinking about deleting this story because it's horrible. But that's up to you . Tell me if I should delete it or not.
Love you<3

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