Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I was asleep and something was tickling my nose. It was probably Scorpius' fluffy hair. I swatted it away, not wanting to open my eyes. I valued my sleep too much.

Then I felt something wet on my face. Was someone licking my face!?

I opened my eyes and looked into a ginger furry face. I screamed, which startled the cat and it bounced off me onto the floor.

"What happened?" I saw Scorpius pop his head round the corner. His hair was wet as if he had just got out the shower. I had only just realised he wasn't actually next to me.

" The cat-?" I stuttered, "why is there a cat in here? You don't have a cat!"

He frowned and picked up the bundle of fur, "shhh you'll hurt her feelings."

"You still haven't explained why there is a cat in your room!"

"Her names Marmalade," he nuzzled the fur ball, "and I adopted her!"

I stared at him crazily. "Well when were you planning on telling me you adopted a cat?"

"Whenever...THAT happened," he gestured between the cat and I. "She reminded me of you, with the red fur and green eyes. It's like if you were a cat, you'd look like Marmalade here!" He grinned mischievously.

"You're comparing me to a cat?"

"Better than being compared to a rat...hey that rhymes!"He put Marmalade back down and she tentatively padded over back to me, meowing softly. I had to admit she was very cute. I patterd the covers next to me encouragingly and she leapt up into my arms.

I glanced at Scorpius who was grinning widely. "My two favourite girls getting along perfectly! Don't let me ruin your bonding time!" He then disappeared back round the corner of the room. I sighed, I guess I had better get ready for breakfast too. I stroked Marmalades fur one last time before I hoped out of bed.

It was finally the weekend and Roxy, Hugo and I had plans to go and visit Uncle Georges new joke shop he had opened up in Hogsmeade over the summer. Zonko's had been deserted since my parents had left Hogwarts and Uncle George had finally decided to buy the dilapidated building and make it an outlet for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I felt a pang of sadness for Uncle Fred. I had never met him as he had died during the great battle, but I had heard from dad how they used to get in so much trouble together. One time they even set off a bunch of fireworks in an OWL exam he was taking! Uncle George had got a lot more responsible since those days, especially since he married Aunty Angelina and had Roxanne and Fred, but the joke shop was always his passion.

"Hey Lily," I voice jerked me back to reality.."Roxy, Hugo" Oliver nodded towards them.

"Hey Ollie! Want to come to Hogsmeade with us?" Roxy asked flouncing over to him.


"Yeah, it's the only all wizarding village in Britain. We're going to visit my dad's new shop," she purred and grabbed his arm, tugging him with us. He looked at me alarmed. I smiled knowingly. Roxy could be very full on sometimes...

We fell into step beside each other on our walk down to Hogsmeade. " So how was your first week at Hogwarts?" I asked.

"It was good, quite tame to what I'm used to," Oliver replied with a smile.

"Are you saying that we're boring?" I joked.

"What-no! I didn't mean that-"

"I'm sure you didn't."

"Honestly you're not boring!" he argued.

"Shh chill, I joke." I nudged his elbow playfully. He elbowed me back and we ended up in a fully fledged elbow war!

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