The Best of Intentions

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Two months later.

Victorie had begun to lose all sense of who she really was. She started to enjoy the torture her and Tom inflicted upon people. It was all like an elaborate game, something intriguing that Victorie had never experienced before. Tom's number of followers was growing rapidly and he had given her almost as much power over them as he held. But time was starting to run out, she had four months left here.

Victorie had already decided she wasn't going to drink the potion to send herself back, but a troubling thought continued to plague her. What if when she didn't return, Dumbledore somehow found a way to bring her back himself? Victorie has learned a lot from Tom but she still wouldn't have the ability to get herself back to this time.

She brought this up to Tom but there was no reassurance he could give. Her only hope was the wishing well. If she could get to it she could wish to have this life forever.

Present time

Dumbledore had grown very uneasy at the thought of Victorie being in the past with Tom Riddle. In his life, he has made many mistakes but this one is most certainly top of that list. What was he thinking letting a sixteen year old girl do something this dangerous? Dumbledore, at the time, had thought it was a brilliant idea; one where so many lives could be saved. He just wasn't thinking logically we he had allowed her to do this. Her death would be on his hands.

Harry was due up in his office any minute. Severus had discovered a way to peirce into time and observe what was going on with Victorie. This would only last for about thirty seconds but at least it would give them an idea if she was okay or not. And what exactly she's been up to. Harry and the Professor arrived minutes from each other. Severus poured the potion into the pensieve and gave Dumbledore the necessary incantation.

As Dumbledore read off the parchment, the liquid swirled turning a midnight blue colour. Harry and Dumbledore then prepared themselves as images came into focus. They watched, appalled at her actions. When it was over, Harry left immediately practically running out of Dumbledore's office.

Victorie had allowed herself to fall prey to the young Tom Riddle. Dumbledore should have expected this. She was only sixteen, and he was one of the most powerful and dark wizards to ever live. The worst part about it was that she seemed to be acting of her own free will. Dumbledore had no idea the consequence this would have but he knew he must do whatever it took to stop it.

Victories' POV

It seemed as if everything was falling into place. Victorie and Tom had just worked out the final obstacle to get to the wishing well. Now, it was only a matter of timing and planning. Victorie wanted to do it as soon as possible, she would ask Tom every day if they could go on and do it. But he kept saying it wasn't time and that she wasn't ready yet. Victorie had become extremely worried she was losing her spot with Tom, that maybe he was having second thoughts. She had to know for sure.

Victorie waited until nightfall to go to Tom. She had sent him an owl asking to meet her at the room of requirement. She walked down the corridors trying not to make too much noise. When she reached the room of requirement, Tom was standing there waiting for her. "Was there something specific you asked me to come here for?" He asked her. "I just wanted to make sure everything was still as planned." She told him vaguely. Tom smiled, and turned to face the empty wall. Within seconds a door appeared. "Come with me." He commanded. They walked into the room of requirement together and Tom began navigating through the mess of objects. He stopped when he reached a desk at what seemed to be the very back of the room. Victorie watched as Tom grabbed something from underneath the desk and handed it to her.

"What's this?" She asked him, examining the box. "That's a gift for you. Open it." Victorie did as he said and opened the box. Inside was a vial of liquid. "It's a potion that will transport the drinker to whatever time they chose. It's like a portal almost. But you have to really imagine the time you want to go to. You've had to previously been to the time you're wanting to go to. I thought it might help ease your mind. That way if dumbledore did find a way to get you back without you drinking the other potion, you'll be able to return to me." He explained. Victorie was beyond ecstatic. "This is amazing." She told him. "Perhaps we should celebrate all we've accomplished together." Tom said, grabbing her wrist. "What would you suggest?" Victorie asked, setting the box down. Tom pulled her closer to him and began kissing her.

Victorie put her arms around Tom and deepened the kiss. Tom turned them around and hoisted her up onto the desk. Victorie could feel her heart beating in her chest as Tom undid the buttons to her shirt and threw it to the floor. He kissed her again, moving down to her neck this time. He was rough and forceful. Victorie wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her fingernails into his back.

Tom's POV

Tom had never been this intimate with anyone before. He had never wanted to either. There was something about Victorie that made him lose all control. He wanted her in a way that was completely new for him. To a certain extent, his connection with this girl frightened him. But none of that mattered at the moment. All he could focus on was her breath on his neck as he ripped off her skirt.

Forgetting About the Future (Tom Riddle love story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora