The Betrayal Begins

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That night Tom and Victorie walked back to the castle together. Victorie loved the closeness between them. Though, in her mind to justify her actions she convinced herself that the only reason was because it meant she was closer to getting the information she needed out of him. But unfortunately for Victorie that was no near the reason. Deep down she knew she was slowly falling for Tom.

Toms' POV

Tom had grown quite fond of Victorie in the past few months she had come to Hogwarts. He wouldn't admit to anyone, not even himself but the way he had felt for her, Tom had never felt for anyone else in his entire life. For years Tom knew only hatred for every person he came across but Victorie was different. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't hate her.

But Tom knew he had to focus on what was truly important. If he was to become the most powerful wizard of all time he couldn't let some silly little girl get in the way. But maybe having a partner wouldn't be so bad... Tom mentally kicked himself for even allowing the thought to pop into his mind. That was the most ridiculous and preposterous idea he ever thought of.

He shook it all of his mind and paid attention to what was happening right now and not worrying about what could or would happen in the future. Tom had walked with Victorie back to the common room and they were both standing on the stairs not really sure what to do. Tom debating for a brief moment about whether or not to kiss Victorie again, he enjoyed the feel of her lips against his but Tom knew better. He couldn't allow himself those types of feelings, those weaknesses.

Victorie stood in front of him looking just as puzzled. As if perhaps, she was thinking the same things he was. This is where he would make his choice; he could come up with some remark that would make her never speak to him again or he could kiss her. Taking a step up to be even with Victorie he grabbed her and roughly pressed his lips to hers. Unlike the last time Tom didn't want to be gentle. After a few minutes Tom finally pulled away from her. He began to walk to the boys' dormitories but first whispered in Victories' ear. "I want you." He then left her standing with a shocked look on her face. Tom smirked, this might actually be fun.

Victories' POV

Victorie really didn't know what to think as she watched Tom walk off. He was the most complicated human being on the face of the earth. One minute Tom hates her, the next he's kissing her. But Victorie hadn't exactly been straight forward with her feeling either. She was torn. When Victorie was away from Tom all she wanted was the information on The Wishing Well, nothing more. But every time he came near her it's like all those thoughts, everything important just vanished. Something inside her wanted to believe the best in Tom, that maybe there was a good reason why he became the monster he did. That maybe she could change him into a better person and never need to find the Wishing Well at all. But those thoughts were soon replaced with those of Harry and everyone she loved back in her time. How could she be so selfish to forget what was most important here? Victorie had let her new developing feelings for Tom, whatever they may be, stand in the way of her getting what she came for, and that had to stop.

"I wouldn't get involved with Tom if I were you." Victorie heard a voice from behind her say. She look back to see Mark. It had been forever since she had last seen Mark and he was looking rather bad. He had bruises all over his face and a long deep cut along the side of his jaw. "What happened to you?" She asked, concerned. "Nothing you should worry about. Just stay away from Tom?" Mark said before walking away. Victorie wasn't sure what to think but she pushed all the crazy thoughts from her mind and went into her dorm.

A restless sleep was all that came for Victorie that night. She couldn't stop thinking about Tom. Could he have been responsible for Marks' face? Victorie wondered. But she couldn't think of what reason Tom could have for hurting Mark. She wanted so badly to just find out where the Wishing Well was already so she wouldn't have to spend another day with Tom and her confusing thoughts. Victorie wanted nothing more than to be home with her friends and family again. Once she finally fell asleep she was instantly engulfed in a nightmare.

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