The Future Holds No Happy Ending

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Months had passed before Tom was able to procure everything he needed to create another potion. But finally, it was ready. Tom was more than eager to return to his time, not giving the repercussions of their actions any thought. Victorie however, begun to think twice about returning the moment they left the Burrow. Time was a fragile thing not to be continuously messed with. 

Another worrisome factor had presented itself as well, the child Victorie was carrying was due to be born any day. Victorie had no idea where she would give birth to the baby or who would help her during the delivery. Tom was all she had and he had no knowledge of babies. St Mungo's was the only logical option but Tom wouldn't hear of it, he claimed it would be too risky. But the baby was Victorie's number one concern now, and she had been feeling off all morning. "Tom, we must go to St Mungo's. I just know something is wrong."

"Absolutely not. The entire ministry is searching for us. We would be caught within seconds and thrown in Azkaban. The potion is ready. We are getting the hell out of here. We will go as soon as we return to my time." Tom said, his words holding a level of condescension that annoyed Victorie. "You have no idea what will happen when we drink that potion. The baby survived time travel the first time, I'm not sure I'm willing to risk it again." Victorie placed a hand on her stomach as she felt a brief pain in her abdomen. "Everything will be fine. I came back here to rescue you, to return you to my time. We are leaving, now." 

Tom poured the potion into two silver goblets, handing one over to Victorie. "This potion is different than the one you used before. Some of the ingredients were impossible to obtain so I had to make due. Before you drink it, clear your mind and only thing of the time you wish to go to. Have an image of the exact place and time and whatever you do, don't let your thoughts wonder to anything else."

Victories' hands shook as she held on to the goblet. Tom could sense her hesitance. "Torie, I love you. Everything will be okay." More pain wretched through her body. "Drink, now." Tom demanded as he raised his own goblet up to his lips. Within seconds Tom was gone. Tears streamed down Victories' face and she knew she had to make her decision. Despite the pain she was feeling and the doubt that filled her mind she could not live without Tom, would not stay here without him. 

She tried to focus, clearing her mind of all previous thoughts to think of only the time she wished to returned to. More pain engulfed her body as she drank the potion. The world was spinning around Victorie and as hard she tried to think of only Tom's time, her mind began racing. Her thoughts became a jumbled mess inside of her brain. It was all too much. 

Victorie thought of the baby, of St Mungo's, of Tom and everything they had been through. She thought of Harry, and her betrayal. Of Dumbledore. Of her life before she ever met Tom. Victorie had lost all control. It felt as if she was free falling, everything around her blurred into black and grey. When it all finally stopped she felt grass underneath of her. 

Victorie screamed out in pain as the world became clear to her once more. She had no idea what time she had traveled to, but she was aware of one thing. She was having her baby on grounds of Hogwarts. It didn't take long for her cries to gain attention of others. People she did not know began swarming around her. So many questions were thrown at her, she couldn't answer. Victorie felt as if her bones were breaking. 

"Everyone back away!"

It was a voice she recognized. Albus Dumbledore. He stood above her and looked at her as if he knew her. He reached down and picked her up, not wanting to use magic on her in her current state. Dumbledore carried her into the castle and into the infirmary.  A young woman came to her bedside and she realized it was Madam Pomfrey. "What year is it?" She cried out, not caring about how it must have sounded. 


Victorie could not believe what she had just heard. She had messed up so tremendously. The young Madam Pomfrey was gathering all sorts of things and placing them around my bedside. She waved her wand removing my pants and undergarments. "There's no time preparations so were going to have to do this the muggle way, dear." A mix of sweat and tears burned Victorie's eyes. After what felt like an eternity of pain and pushing she heard a babies cry. 

She looked up from the bed and reached out but Madam Pomfrey did not give her the baby. "We've got to fix you up first." Madam Pomfrey wrapped her baby up in a blanket and gave Victorie something to drink. "It'll help with the pain." Victorie drank it and looked over at Dumbledore. "You're name is Victorie, correct?" 

"How-" She began but Dumbledore cut her off. "Lord Voldemort has spent many searching for you. Has killed hundreds. I remember you showing up all those years ago. Of course it hasn't been so long for you. I want you to tell me everything. How was it you came to be in 1946?" Dumbledore asked. "I want my baby!" Victorie demanded as she tried to get out of the bed. "Answer my questions first."

"In 1996 you sent me into the past to stop Tom Riddle. Things didn't go according to plan, I fell in love with him." Dumbledore nodded to Madam Pomfrey and she brought the baby over to Victorie. "It's a girl."

Victorie cried as her daughter was placed in her arms. She had Tom's dark brown eyes, almost black. Victorie felt as if she could crumble in a million pieces. Lost in a time she did not belong, forever taken from the one she loved. "Do you have a name for her?" Dumbledore asked. Victorie thought for a moment before she answered. "Brianna Elaine Riddle." 

"I am afraid she can not keep the Riddle name, but I will see to it that her name be Brianna Elaine." 

"What do you mean?" Victorie held on to her daughter tighter. "The man you knew is long gone. Voldemort only wants the power this child possesses and I can not let that happen. You murdered several people during your dalliance with Tom. You're to be sent to Azkaban. I will however, see to it that your child is cared for." Dumbledore took out his wand and immobilized Victorie, taking her baby out of her arms. Victorie screamed and tried to fight against his magic but it was no use. 

Victorie felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. In no time she had lost Tom and their baby. "Please, don't take her. I'll do anything. Please." Dumbledore passed Brianna on to Madam Pomfrey. "I am truly sorry I had to do this, but it is what's best for everyone. The child in the hands of Lord Voldemort would be disastrous." 

"I'll stay away from Tom, I'll make an unbreakable vow, anything... I am begging you, please let me stay with her." Victorie was sobbing so hard she could barely breath. But Dumbledore did not budge. Everything that happened next was a blur. Ministry officials came and restrained Victorie. Preparing to take her to Azkaban. 

Victorie Stevenson was barely seventeen, and yet her whole life was just ruined. Everything she loved was taken from her. She had forgotten about the future when she went to the past to stop Tom, to save her best friend. That felt like a lifetime ago. 


Over a year had past since Victorie was sent to Azkaban. She no longer felt like herself. Had not seen another human being since her sentencing to this hell. So it came as a shock to her when another wizard was thrown into her cell. A young man with shaggy black hair. Victorie backed up against the wall. "Who are you?"

"Sirius Black."

Hello lovelies! I want to thank all of you who have read this story and supported it! I started writing this fanfiction back in 2013 and have spent years working on it on and off. I originally planned on making story much longer but I haven't worked on it in so long I didn't want to risk leaving it unfinished. I have loved writing this story and I do have an idea for a squeal about Tom and Victorie's daughter that I have always been more excited to write than continuing on with this one. Is that is something you all would be interested in reading?  Let me know in the comments if you want a sequel, if I do make one I'll add a chapter on here with the title! Again, thank you all so much for the love and support! 

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