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~Present time~

It had been three days since Victorie left to attend to whatever family issues she had going on. Harry missed her incredibly, he never told anyone this but he was completely in love with her. Every one had always assumed that Harry liked Ginny but he just didn't see her that way.

Something in the back of Harry's mind just told him something was up with Victorie, he didn't think she was completely honest about why she left Hogwarts. He was proven right late that afternoon when Hermione came running down into the common room. She had a concerned look on her face as she showed Harry what looked to be a page ripped out of a book. "I found this in Victories' robes when I had mistaken them for mine, she left them you see. And I think this has something to do with why she's gone." Hermione said as she gave him the page.

Harry took it and read it. "The wishing well?" He asked. "I think she went to look for it. I mean it grants any wish and I know she wants to help you so, well think about it." Hermione said looking at Harry. "Dumbledore. I've got to go talk to him, he'll know." He said sprinting out of the common room and up to Dumbledore's office.

Once he got there Harry didn't bother to knock but just walked in. "Where's Victorie? I know she's off looking for some well." He said immediately. "Harry, I don't think it's best I tell you." Dumbledore said looking a little surprised. "I don't want to lose her. And if she's gone off trying to find this to save me, then no. I can't and I won't let that happen!" Harry said holding up the paper. "I'm afraid you are too late." Dumbledore said simply. "What do you mean?" Harry asked confused. "Sit down Harry and I'll explain it to you."

Harry did as Dumbledore said and sat down. "Tom Riddle is the only one to have knowledge of where this wishing well is. Victorie went back in time to get that information from him. She knows exactly what to do and will return in one year." He explained. "What!? You actually let her do this? It's not safe, you of all people should know that!" Harry exclaimed angry. "There was nothing I could do to stop her, Victorie would not have taken no for an answer. I tried to talk her out of it but there was nothing to say." Dumbledore said, trying to calm Harry down. "Send me back in time with her! I'll help and just make sure she's safe." He said gripping the side of the chair.

"You will do no such thing! Harry I won't allow you to do that. Victorie is a bright witch, she will be able to handle Tom, I am sure of it." Dumbledore stated certainly. "You don't know that. She could be dead already for all you know! Professor you have to bring her back!" said Harry looking rather pale. "I can't bring her back until the year is up, the potion won't work until then. I'm sorry Harry but Victorie chose to do this and she was well aware of the consequences." He told Harry.

Harry sat there, unable to say anything else. There wasn't anything he could say. He felt almost sick to his stomach to think of Victorie in a time with Tom Riddle, it was an unbearable thought.


Things with Tom hadn't gotten ant better but at least they hadn't got worse. She had been giving him space since last night, but Victorie seemed to think Tom was rather enjoying her silence.

Victorie was lying on the Quidditch field looking up at the night when Riddle himself came over to her. "What are you doing out here at this time?" He asked her with an annoyed look on his face. "What, are you going to give me detention or something?" Victorie said sarcastically. "I rightfully should, but I don't really care about school rules if you haven't already noticed." Tom said emotionless.

"So why are you out here then?" Victorie asked curiously. "Why are you?" He asked ignoring her question. "It's quite out here, I can think." Victorie said honestly. "Think about what?" Tom asked her. "Anything, come on sit." She said patting the spot next to her. "I'll pass." He said quickly and started to walk off.

Victorie smiled knowing she had made a tiny bit of progress. For once Tom didn't yell at her, get angry or threaten to kill her. After a while Victorie got up and snuck back in the castle making sure not to get caught.

She deemed that it was defiantly worth freezing outside for a while just to get that far with Tom. In just 4 short days he started acting a little better towards her. Victorie had thought it would take a lot longer. Pleased with herself she sat in front of the Slytherin fire warming up for the first time since she got here not wanting to hit herself for doing something stupid.

Forgetting About the Future (Tom Riddle love story)Where stories live. Discover now