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It wasn't until Victorie got up to her dorm and realised there was no bump on her head nor could that have given her memory loss, that she racked her brains to remember what happened. She felt stupid for even momentarily believe what he told her. Tom just had a way about him that made him seem so...mesmerising at times.

After about an hour though, it all finally came back to her. Tom entering the common room, using the imperious curse on Victorie, her opening the chamber of secrets and letting out the Basilisk. Oh no. She thought. The fact that Tom could get to her so easily was not good. She could not let her guard down again. Victorie thought thinking back to all of the times Dumbledore had told her what to do and came to the realisation that none of the things he said were useful.

As much as Victorie tried to think of the events of that night, she couldn't. It bothered her immensely that Tom used the imperious curse on her and that it took her so long to notice. There was no telling what damage the creature would do. The rest of the night was spent with Victorie tossing and turning in a series of nightmares all involving Tom.

By the next morning Victorie might have gotten about 30 minutes of peaceful sleep and felt like she could just fall over any time. In her first class of the day she ended up falling asleep and woken up by a very unhappy Professor Slughorn who gave her an extra assignment for homework. Groaning she left the classroom to run into to Tom. "Victorie, how are you feeling?" Tom asked clearly forcing the words to come out of his mouth. "Much better," Victorie said forcing a smile with it. She could tell he wanted something if he didn't Tom probably wouldn't have bothered speaking to her at all. It looked as if he was about to say something else but decided against it. Instead he flashed her a fake smile and walked off.

Toms' POV

Tom was going to use the imperious curse on her again to make her retrieve something for him but changed his mind at the last second. Being nice was absolutely killing him. Especially to her, because there was something about Victorie that made Tom want to hate her.

"Hello, Tom." An annoying girl named Evelyn Greengrass, said walking up to him. "What do you want Greengrass, I'm not in the mood to deal with you." Tom said pushing past her. "But that's what you always say." Evelyn whined. She had a crush on Tom for a long time but he would never give her the time of day. "Stay away from me I want nothing to do with you, ever. Is that clear enough for you." He stated before turning back around and walking as far away from her as possible.

Tom rounded the nearest corner to see Victorie walking into the library. Curious, he followed her.

Victories' POV

Seeing as everyone else was in class Victorie took this as her opportunity to go in the restricted section of the library. She knew there was nothing more about the Wishing Well except from what she already knew in the books back in her time but what about here. What if the location of it was in one of these books, a book written more than a hundred years ago?

Tom was the only one in this century to know if it's location but if she could find an older version, it might have more information. When she walked in the library a very old looking witch sat glancing around the empty library. Victorie pulled out her wand and concentrated very hard. "Cunfundus." She said, causing the witch to ignore her passing before walking in the direction of the restricted section.

Victorie glanced at the title of every book she passed to see if it could hold the information of the Wishing Well she needed so badly. Victorie was really coming to doubt the fact that she could get Tom to tell her where it was. 100 Dark Magical Objects. She stopped to read the title again.

Victorie grabbed the book of the shelf and peered through it. She just opened the book up when she felt a hand on her shoulder; Victorie gasped and dropped the book turning around. She was meeting my Tom's cold dark eyes. "Were you following me?" Victorie asked looking at him curiously. "No, I have better things to do I simply saw you walk in here and thought I'd take advantage of the opportunity. If we get caught I'll simply say as a prefect I only came in here to escort you out." He said browsing the shelves himself. "What are you, some goody-two shoes not wanting to get in trouble?" She said teasing him.

"I have reasons behind the things I do." Tom stated calmly not taking his eyes off the books. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me what those reasons are?" Victorie asked. "I don't see why it's any of your business, so no." He said to her then whispered something under his breath. Seconds later two books flew into his hands. Then she realized what he said must have been Accio.

Thinking it was a pretty good idea and feeling stupid for not thinking of it herself, she picked up the book she already then pulled out her wand. In a voice Tom wouldn't hear she said, "Accio wishing well books"

Nothing happened though. She thought it was possibly because she might have been holding the only book that contained the Wishing Well. Victorie saw Tom smirk; she rolled her eyes and started to leave the library. Tom followed her out then they went their separate way. Victorie ran back down to the common room and read through the book. Eventually, she finally found a section that was labelled The Wishing Well.

~Present time~

Harry walked up to Dumbledore's office like he had been doing every evening since he found out about Victorie. The fact that the main reason was for him made Harry feel guilty, even though he couldn't have done anything about it.

"I still don't see why I can't go back in time, just to make sure she's safe." Harry said to Dumbledore like he has a million times before. "This is no longer a discussion Harry, Victorie will be fine." Dumbledore said. "But it's Voldemort!" Harry said with a concerned look on his face.

"What if he gets to her, makes her stay? You said if she doesn't take the second potion..." he said but didn't continue. "You've underestimated me Harry. I didn't tell Victorie this but I cast a spell on that potion that she already drank. In one year whether she wants to or not, she will come back. I made Victorie believe she must drink a second potion, I know how Tom is you see, so she would think she has a choice in the matter. But in reality, regardless of whether she drinks that potion, Victorie will return to us..."

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