Powers Within

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Two Months Later

Harrys' POV

For the past two months Harry had been carrying around the small vial of liquid that had to have belonged to Victorie. He searched through many books and went to has many witches and wizards he could think of trying to determine what the liquid could be. He was almost tempted to drink it himself just to find out.

The search for Voldemorts' Horcruxs was going almost as bad as his inquiry to the vial and Harry was growing restless. For days he had been petitioning Hermione, Ron and the Order to go to Malfoy manor themselves and get Victorie back. Hermione had scoffed at his idea and ranted for almost an hour about how stupid and reckless such a thing would be. So Harry was forced to simply sit and stew, unable to help save the girl he was in love with and unable to vanquish the man who had ruined his life.

Harry rummaged through his things looking for a letter Dumbledore had given Harry before his passing, a letter he intended Harry to give to Victorie once she had returned. Given all the chaos and bickering that occurred, Harry had forgotten to give Victorie the letter. He had been tempted to open it up and read it himself but he knew Dumbledore had not wanted that. So instead, he called upon Dobby. The house elf appeared before him in no time. "Harry Potter, sir, it's so good to see you."

"Hello, Dobby. I need you to do me a favour."

"Anything, sir."

"I need you to take this to Victorie. She's at the Malfoy Manor." Harry said, handing Dobby the letter. Harry had hoped that whatever Dumbledore had said in the letter would be useful in helping Victorie understand what Tom Riddle had done to her, how he had brainwashed her. Dobby took the letter and disappeared. Harry sighed, twirling the vial in his hand. He wished there was something more he could do.

Victories' POV

The days had started seeping together and Victorie had begun to feel as if she would never get out of the Malfoys' dungeon. It had been two whole months since Victorie last saw Tom and she missed him terribly. Voldemort would come and visit her often and the sight of that monster would make her sick every time. That horrible man was not her Tom and she would give anything to be able to return to him.

She was laying on the bed that had been brought down to her when a small creature appeared out of the shadows. "Dobby?" Victorie asked recognizing the house elf. "Harry Potter has sent me, miss. He sent me to give you this." Dobby said, holding out the letter. Victorie hesitantly took it and Dobby vanished. She looked at the letter, slightly confused when the handwriting on the top did not belong to Harry. Victorie opened the letter and began reading.

My dearest Victorie,

I would like to first apologise for being so foolish to give you the means to travel back in time. Time travel is perhaps the most dangerous magic of all time and I allowed a sixteen year old to travel back in time to vanquish the most Dark Wizard the world has ever seen. I should have known better. In my life, I too found myself mesmerized with someone who was a lot like Tom Riddle. They make everything seem so glamorous. I fear that sometimes I allowed my hope to get the better of me. And Victorie, believe me, I really had hoped you would be able to overcome his charms and rid the world of that man once and for all. If you are reading this letter, then I am dead and you have returned back to the present. I can only imagine what damage will have been done as a result from the time travel and what you may have done while in the past. I do not blame you, Victorie. I do not blame you at all. I placed a burden of a task that no child should ever have. But I must warn you child, no matter what you do next, regardless of how hard this will be you must not try and return to the past. The veil of time is a complicated matter and if it is messed with too much I fear what the results would be. And please remember, those conceived under a love passion can never truly love. Whatever you think is between you and Tom is a lie. You must allow yourself to understand this.

Until we meet again,

Albus Dumbledore

Victorie crumpled the letter up and threw it to the side. Nothing would change her mind about Tom because she knew the truth. However impossible it may be, the feelings between her and Tom were as real and she would find a way to get back to him.

The door to the dungeon had opened snapping Victorie out of her thoughts. A middle-aged witch appeared before her carrying a large tote. "Hello, I'm Jolena Gibson. Mr. Malfoy brought me in to take a look at you. I used to be a healer." The woman sat down on the bed next to Victorie and began grabbing stuff out of her tote. "So my dear, how are you that baby of yours?" She asked with a smile. "We would be better if we were not being kept in a dungeon." Victorie said, placing a hand on her stomach. Jolena smiled and began setting up some type of small machine. "The muggles have something similar to this in their world. This will help us check up on the baby, make sure everything is going okay."

"Is it safe?" Victorie asked, backing away slightly. "Of course dear!" Jolena said, leaning over to place something over Victories stomach. "Our way is much more advanced than the muggles." She added, waving a wand over the contraption in front of her. The small machine began making strange noises and soon there was a very audible heartbeat coming from it. Victorie smiled, realising it was her child's heartbeat. "You're ten weeks along, dear." Jolena told her, examining the screen on the machine. Victorie looked at the screen trying to make sense of any of it. She saw a small speck on the screen, no bigger than an olive, and figured that was her baby.

The healer continued to examine the screen when the machine caught on fire. Victorie jumped up faster than she thought possible, ripping whatever the healer had put on her stomach off. "I thought you said this contraption was safe!" Victorie yelled. Jolena put out the fire and turned to Victorie. "It is. The fire was not caused by the machine or me. It was caused by your child." Jolena said, looking a bit lightheaded.

"That's not possible. Babies can not preform magic inside the womb. Certainly not at this small stage." Victorie said, growing somewhat concerned. "I am afraid in this case, it can. The power of this child will exceed that of anyone the world has seen."

Toms' POV

It had taken Tom for what felt like an eternity but he had finally completed the spell to summon Victorie back to him, at least he thought he had. Tom did not have much information to go on so he searched through every bit of magic he could until he found a spell similar to what Slughorn had told him. The spell he had found seemed highly unpredictable and could end up sending him to Victorie instead of summoning Victorie here but it was a chance was willing to take. Either way, he would be reunited with Victorie and that sounded good to him.

Tom prepared himself as he began reciting the incantation to the spell. Nothing happened. Tom kept reciting the words over and over, refusing to give up. After about the twentieth time, Tom felt a gut retching pain envelope his body. His insides felt as if they were being tugged out of his body and his head was throbbing in pain. The room around him started to spin, making his head hurt even more. Toms' vision became blurry until he finally closed his eyes completely. Within a few minutes he felt himself hit the ground hard. Tom picked himself up somewhat clumsily and looked around. He was standing at a gate that lead to an enormous dark manor...

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