The Wishing Well

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The Wishing Well

The wishing well is a very dark piece of magic that has been hidden for centuries. It has been rumoured from those very few who found it that the gift it possesses is to grant your most desired wish, your most longing dream no matter what that may be. According to historians it will only grant the wish of those who earn it. You must truly seek to use it for the benefit of others more so than yourself. Plenty of Dark wizards have spent years trying to find this curious artifact but ended up perishing in the process. It has been noted that muggles believe in such thing too, but their version is simply a tale.

To make your wish you must have a moonstone in your possession for when you get to it you simply say your wish to the moonstone and toss into the well on the count of three. There is a potion or in terms poison in the well that when the moonstone touches it your wish is granted. But for those who try to drink from the well to gain power, immortality, to become invincible will die the moment it touches your lips.

It's been known that Tom Marvolo Riddle is only person in this century to have discovered its location.

Victorie reread this page from the book more than a hundred times over. Victorie Davison is in her 6th year at Hogwarts and best friends with the "Golden trio." But now with the war that is soon to be rising she knows something has to be done. Victorie came across this Wishing well while reading books from the restricted section and since then has been obsessed with finding it. Because if by chance she did, then the fate of her best friend may altered for the better.

You see, she knows the truth about how in the end Harry must die. She accidentally overheard Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape talking but was forced not to tell anyone about it. Victorie knows that if she can find this Wishing well she can wish for none of that to happen she can simply wish for Voldemort to never exist. But there's a small problem Tom Riddle, Voldemort, is the only person who knows of its location.

Taking a deep breath she rips the page out of the book and stores it away in her robes. As she was putting the book back on the shelf in the restricted section she heard someone walk into the library. It was the middle of the night and naturally she wasn't supposed to be there. Victorie snuck in to find a book with information on the wishing well. She quietly hid behind a bookshelf hoping whoever it was didn't pursue in her direction.

Victorie turned to leave the library but came face to face with Professor Dumbledore instead. "What are you doing out at this time of night in the library?" he asked in his usual calm voice. "Um, I was, er just looking around. I couldn't sleep you see." Victorie said her voice becoming shaky. "In the restricted section?" Dumbledore said glaring down at her still calmly. "Well I just..." she tried to think of something to say but words seemed to fail her at the moment.

"Why don't you follow me, and no you're not in any trouble." He added noticing the look on her face. Victorie followed behind Professor Dumbledore until they got to his office. He motioned for her to sit down which she obliged. "I think I know what this is about Miss Davison and I urge you to stop." Dumbledore said looking down upon her. "I don't know what you mean Professor." Victorie replied trying to sound confused. "I think you do. Ever since you heard Professor Snape and I talking about your dear friend Harry you've got it in your mind there's something you can do to help. But I assure you there is not."

"But there is! I've already found it!" She said not meaning to yell. "Please enlighten me." Said Dumbledore. "The wishing well, I read all about and I've realised what I'm gonna have to do and I'm sorry Professor but you can't stop me." Victorie said in an angry whisper. "The Wishing well? And how do you propose to find what may not even exist?" He asked curiously. "Sir, the book said that the only person in this century to know of the whereabouts is-is Voldemort when he was known as Tom Riddle. So it's obvious isn't it, I have to go back in time and convince Riddle to tell me where it is." She said confidently.

Dumbledore let out a chuckle and looked at her with a small hint of sympathy in his twinkling eyes. "You wish to trick the most powerful dark wizard of all time into telling you the location of something that in return, you plan to use in the future to destroy him? My dear girl, do you not hear what you're saying? And how do you suppose to go back in time then return?"

"I haven't figured that out yet. But Professor, you really can't stop me from doing this. I know it's not just Harry's life I'll be saving. His parents, all the people he's already killed, and everyone who's bound to end up dead because of him in the future. Even you, because if he never existed than you wouldn't have been cursed by the ring; please help me do this." Victorie said in a pleading voice. "I'm fine with dying. All of those people you mentioned will eventually die in the future. Nothing can stop death I hope you know, not even a wishing well." Dumbledore told her in a soft voice. "I'm aware of that, but it can let those people get to live a long happy life. Harry will get to meet his parents for real, Sirius won't be dead, so many people can be saved. I'm willing to take whatever risk there is Professor." Victorie stated as a few tears fell from her eyes.

"You really are set about doing this? Do you truly understand how dangerous this will be?" Dumbledore asked her. "Yes, I understand the dangers I also understand that I could die trying to find this well and yet I'm still willing to do this. So please Professor, help me."

Dumbledore looked as if he didn't know what do then he finally said, "There's a potion that can transport the drinker back in time, as far back as they wish to go and then a sort of twin potion to bring them back to their present time. I'll ask for Professor Snape to brew it which will take about a month or two. In that time you will report to me whenever I say so and I will tell you exactly what you must do. For now, go to be and get some sleep you have classes tomorrow."

Victorie thanked Professor Dumbledore many times over then left to go to her dorms. That night she couldn't sleep with the thoughts of what she was soon about to do lingering in the back of her mind. In a few months' time she would be in 1946 with a sixteen year old Voldemort. Thinking about it now, convincing him to tell her where the well is might just be impossible. But she knew it had to be done.

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