Chapter One

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 St. Andrews Church - Aylesbury, England.

My wedding day - the most magical day of a girl’s life – or so they say.

I was just devouring my second glass of Fizz – when I noticed Mom walk in wearing a sickly pink outfit and the biggest smile I’d ever seen. ‘Darling, you look so beautiful.’ She gasped. ‘I am so proud of you.’ Even though I was guilt tripping like mad – I still managed to crack a smile. ‘Thanks Mom I’ve never felt so happy.’

I wasn’t fibbing, deep down I was pretty sure all the apprehension I was feeling was just excitement disguised as dread. Like that time I went on the highest roller coaster in Milton Keynes and screamed, ‘Faster! Faster!’ instead of what I really wanted to yell, which was a string of expletives, followed by endless vomiting.

 I sank into the chair trying to relax as my bridesmaid added the finishing touches to my hair. ‘All done Lucy, you look perfect. Just wait until he sees you.’ she said, throwing some utensils into her black bag. Looking over at Mom, I could tell even from a short distance away that her eyes were welling up again.

Reaching for my third glass of bubbly I quickly drank it up, half expecting to see a resolution to my dilemma at the end of the glass.

‘Mom, do you mind if I have a few moments to myself? I could really do with clearing my head a little.’

‘Of course you can darling.’ She said, giving me that stomach wrenching smile before shutting the door behind her.

His name was Alex – and we were perfect for each other – or so I thought. He was a Country boy who had moved to the City to begin his life as an Investment banker. His sweet nature and reliability made him, well, a little predictable to say the least. We’d been together for about two years when he decided to pop the question. And before I knew it, we started making plans for our big day.

 I could hear a ringing coming from my handbag so I quickly rushed over and pressed the answer button.

‘Noosey, is that you?'

‘Stop calling me that, Fozoli!’

 Fozoli was my best friend and just like any best friend - she knew everything about me. Even from a million miles away, I was pretty sure she could see right into my soul. She had those eyes, dark brown pools of insight - reserved only for those special enough to be blessed with the 'gift' she called intuition - not perception, intuition – there is a difference.

 ‘Oh lighten up, it’s your wedding day, you should be ecstatic right now!’

 ‘I’m just nervous that’s all.’

 ‘I’m so sorry for not calling earlier – We’re working on this massive fraud case out here and it’s driving me insane! I am surviving on no sleep and buckets of coffee. So, are you excited Mrs Dale?'

 ‘I am still Frizzell until twelve O’clock.’

‘Anyone would think you were going to a funeral. Are you okay Lucy?’

 ‘Of course, it’s just these nerves.’

‘Are you sure? It’s not too late to back out.’

 ‘Fozoli, stop it! I am getting married today and that’s that. I just wish you were here.’

 ‘Me too – but if I don’t solve this case within a month, we will have to hand it over to another firm. How does the dress feel?’


 ‘Wait until they put the noose around your neck, I mean ring on your finger! Sorry, I’ll stop. So do you have something old, something borrowed and,’

‘Something blue, yes.’

There was a muffling sound against the door and I was relieved when I discovered it was one of the bridesmaids. It was my Mom’s idea for them to wear yellow and through-out the morning, all they did was ruffle at the folds of their dresses, rolling their eyes whenever they caught a glimpse of themselves in the mirror.

‘Sorry to interrupt Lucy’ – my bridesmaid informed, - ‘but the ceremony begins in five minutes.’

I gave her a quick nod and shut the door behind her.

 Clinging desperately to the phone, I did my best to hide the panic in my voice. ‘ Fozoli, you still there?’

 ‘I’m still here.’

 ‘I am freaking out – I don’t think I can go through with this!’

 There was a short silence before she spoke again, but this time her voice sounded deeper. ‘Okay, calm down. Now think very clearly. Do you love him?’

‘Of course I do! How can I not? He’s perfect, everything I ever wanted and more.’

‘There you go then, it’s just nerves. It’s completely normal.’

 The sound of instruments being played by the church band was getting louder - Feeling the bubbles from the champagne rise up into my throat, I made a mad dash for the bathroom.

 As I stood slumped over the sink, I couldn’t help but wonder; is this how it’s supposed to be? Do people conceal their torment over cracked foundation and lace? I managed to make it back to the phone but a familiar screeching sound told me we’d been cut off.

 ‘Hello, madam.’ whispered a male’s voice from outside the room. ‘We’re ready to proceed. ‘

 ‘I will be out in a minute!’

 Hearing the footsteps walk off - I heaved a sigh of relief and began searching the room - hoping to find some sort of a sign.

Then it was there. The sign I had been looking for the whole morning. How could I have missed it?

I floated towards it in an almost trance – like state and opened it up as wide as it could go. Sucking in the warm air, I noticed one of my legs was soon dangling out of it followed by the other! Never in my life had I imagined I’d be so deeply connected to a piece of square wood and a pane of glass but at that very moment it was my cue.

 I felt a wave of excitement, quickly followed by uncertainty edging its way into my mind. What was I doing? I clung to the ledge and peered down. It would only be a small drop – I wouldn’t even feel it.

Suddenly, the door opened, and as I looked back, I saw my mother standing in the doorway with the priest and Alex following closely behind.

‘Lucy!’ he cried, as his mouth flew open. His dark blue eyes appeared to sink into the back of his head.

 ‘I’m so sorry,’ I said, lunging forward. ‘I can’t do this. Please forgive me.’

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