Chapter Twenty One

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Things had changed quite a bit since leaving Trask - Mom and Dad finally talked on the phone and she had even ended it with Anthony, (her Italian Lover).

They spent hours talking and had even skyped a few times. Dad profusely apologised for his indiscretions stating that he needed time with someone else to realize his love for Mom, strange I know.

I, on the other hand was a somersault of emotions; one minute I was one hundred percent sure I’d made the right decision leaving Trask but that same knot in my stomach continued to grow.

I took up Oscar's offer to work at Zeelee's, so that I could concentrate on my writing. It was only part time, (mainly three days a week), so the rest was spent sending manuscripts to publishers.

I was half-way through finishing my course and had even gone on a few dates with Jonathan.

We would spend our time, walking around admiring buildings, and we’d even share a kiss or two at the end of the evening.

'Well, that’s me done for the day! See you tomorrow Oscar.'

'Anything fun planned for tonight?

'Just seeing a friend, you?'

‘I spend my life in this bloody place. Tonight, I will be getting the shop ready for inspection next week.'


'Yes, those people that check you are complying with the law. They come with their flip boards and stern faces.'

'Oh, do you need to me hang around for a little while longer?’

'Go and have fun Lucinda, you deserve it.'

'Okay, see you tomorrow.'

 I planned to meet Fozoli just a few blocks away, she seemed adamant that we meet just off Clifton Road. I wasn't sure why, but she was very excited when I spoke to her on the phone.

I spotted her waiting just on the corner and she soon came running towards me, arms wide open. ‘Finally!’

'What's all the excitement about?'

 ‘All in good time my friend, all in good time. Follow me.’

'Where too?’

'Just trust me.’

‘Not even a hint?’

 I could tell she was having one of her mad moments. The frosty evening air, cut through me like a knife and every so often I had to undo my scarf in order to wrap it around again, just to lock in some warmth.

'Seriously, Fozoli. I’m bloody freezing, where are you taking me?’

Stopping in her tracks, she took a deep breath. I knew by the look in her eyes she was about to divulge some sort of significant piece of information. 'You know how I have these, these dreams sometimes.’

'The psychic ones?’

‘Don’t mock me Lucy.’

'I’m not mocking you, it’s just.’

'It's just what?'

'It's just a little crazy..’ By the look on her face I could tell I had really hurt her feelings. ‘I’m sorry Fozoli, I didn’t mean crazy as in crazy.’

'So what did you mean?’

'I just, it’s just a little unrealistic.’

'Says the girl who believes in soul mates and the after life.’

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