Chapter Twenty Seven - Finale

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JFK Airport - New York.

I scanned the airport anxiously, hoping to spot Imogen in the crowd.

It was very busy and I had to fight my way through, just to make it to the entrance.

Imogen had made a joke on the phone saying, that she would wear a reindeer outfit, and I had started to wonder if she might actually do it.

She was crazy like that; or 'eclectic', as she put it.

Either way, I couldn't wait to see her.

It was mid - January and even though I had not yet stepped outside, I could tell by people's purple lips and red faces -  that it was ridiculously cold.

I was about to call her mobile, when I heard someone scuppering behind me.

'' Boo!'' she said, giving me a massive hug.

She had her hair in two plaits and wore a cute woolly hat, with two floppy ears that hung down at the sides.

Just the sight of Imogen made me nervous. She knew why I had come back and seeing her confirmed how crazy I really was.

 I wrapped both arms around her. '' Hey!  No reindeer outfit?''

She released her grip on me and turned around to face me. '' No. I thought I would save you the embarrassment. So, are you ready?''

'' Stop it. You're making me nervous.''

She reached into the blue rucksack that slouched over her shoulders. ''Here. This is a spare set of keys to my apartment. You can come and go as you please.''

'' Thanks, but I am only here for a few days.''

She smiled at me and her green eyes took on a warm glow.

'' I know.''

''Thanks again, Imogen. I really appreciate it.'' I said, putting the keys into my pocket.

'' No worries. Right. As I explained on the phone, the party is tonight. Trust the Trask people to have a  Christmas party in January.''

'' Yeah, I did think that. Why is that again?'' I asked, feeling the nerves rise up into my stomach.

'' Don't ask me. Apparently, they do it every year. Just trying to be different, I suppose.''

I laughed. '' Strange.''

We made our way towards the taxi rank, but oddly enough we didn't say too much to each other. There seemed to be a mutual understanding between us without the need for words.

Once we had settled inside the taxi, I wanted to ask her a question; the one I had been dying to ask all the way there.

'' So. Will Ethan be at the party tonight?''

Even though she knew my plan, I wasn't sure how it would be executed and the party could have been the way to do it.

She looked over at me and smirked.

'' Yes. He will. He organised the thing.''

I turned to face the window. '' Oh.''

I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't shift my gaze from the window.

'' He will be so happy to see you, Luce.''

Her words melted my insides and I couldn't help but smile.

'' Really?''

''Yes. But don't mess it up this time. This whole ' will they, won't they' thing is driving me crazy. Do it already!'

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