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Fuck my god damn alarm. It had just fucking woke me up in the middle of the night. I had set it for the wrong time.

Setting your alarm clock for school, for 3:30am, was not a good way to start the second day of school.

Although the first day had gone alright. Sure, I hadn't met any girls my age, who want to make friends with me. But there was that one group of guys, who I didn't know very well.

Fuck my life.

I am really bored. I always get bored when I wake in the middle of the night.

I decided to put the TV on. I switched on my lamps, and plodded to the TV. Choosing a funny film that could make me laugh in these depressing times, I put in the DVD, and got back into my bed. I propped the cusions up more, so I could see better, and watched as the movie started.

Watching the movie made md feel a lot better. Although, Kylen's note was still on my mind somewhere I was much more relaxed. I got about half way through the film before my eyes started to droop. I yawned, turned off the TV, and set my alarm clock for the correct time. I turned the lamps off and fell back asleep.


"Honey, get up." I groaned. "Sweetie, you need to get up, otherwise your going to be late for class." My mom said to me. I groaned even louder.

"I set my alarm. Bug off!" I said, still with my eyes closed. I heard her sigh. But didn't hear her leave. I was about to repeat myself, but then she talked.

"Your bloody alarm already went off. You slept through it. You will be late if you don't get up right now." That's when my blood boiled, and I felt high adrenaline.

I shot up, and raced into the bathroom. Stripping off, I climbed in tying my hair up in the process. It's gald I know how to multitask. I brushed my teeth in the shower, something I did anyway, and then de-frizzed my hair. I ran a brush through it in the shower, and washed it. It was only frizzy when I got out of bed. But everyday it was naturally straight.

"Mom!" I called. "What's the temperature outside?"

"I don't know, but by the looks of it extremely cold. It's getting colder by the day." I sighed. It was true. EVERYDAY I was having to put just that one extra layer, making it be a vest top, coat, scarf.

I looked in my wardrobe, after quickly drying my hair, and picked out thick warm pattern leggings, a long white blouse, my thick navy coat, and my red, orange and purple matching hat gloves and scarf. I didn't put any make up on that day since I was running late.

I grabbed a cereal bar, of the counter, and went to kiss my mother good bye. But she was talking to Martin. I didn't really wany a grumpy mom because I ruined there conversation, so I left a rough note on the kitchen table. I told her I would be in late because I wanted to check out the library here.

Running to my car, I felt a few drops of something wet but dry. I looked at the sky and saw many of them. Snow.

I groaned, and got in my car. Turning on the heater, I drove to school. Parking the car in a space, I got out and leaned by the car. It turns out that I wasn't that late after all. In fact school didn't start for another eight minutes. I saw the black shiny dream car, pull in next to mine, and I felt myself shiver.

"Hey Carter!" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Kylen standing there. I didn't reply. "Are you okay?" He grinned.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I replied. He grinned again. He was cute when he smiled like that.

"So...did you read my note?" He said cheekily.

"I um...I-"

"BLIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!" The bell rang for first period.

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