Chapter 2

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Tony helped me back into a cab and we sped over to the closest hospital. Because of Dante's connections, I was taken in right away and treated. My suspicions were correct about my ribs. Three of them are broken and I also have severe bruising around my face but luckily, no concussion.

With a lot of fighting, the doctor released me tonight. Both him and Tony wanted me to stay overnight but I know if I did, Amanda would freak out. She has before if I don't come home after a fight and the last thing I want to do it upset her.

So with a lot of drugs in my system Tony took me home. Just like I thought, Amanda was waiting up for me. When she saw me walk inside with Tony's help she jumped from the couch and took over. She helped me into my room and Tony pulled her out of the room.

Once Amanda shut the door I pulled the stack of cash Dante gave me out of my jacket pocket. I couldn't count it now because it's to dark and my head is killing me, so I stuffed the money under in my nightstand and Amanda came back into my room.

After she shut the door behind her she came right over to me and sat next to me. Her eyes are red, her cheeks wet from tears. She carefully placed an ice pack on my chest and sighed.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself Veronica?" She asked quietly, more to herself then to me.

"Too keep you safe. To keep us both safe." I said giving her a real answer for once. I'm not sure if it's all the drugs I'm on or because I just hate lying to her. It makes me feel bad for lying to her all the time.

"Protect us from what?" Amanda asked meeting my eyes.

"I can't tell you. I wasn't even supposed to tell you that. Please don't tell anybody." I said starting to get paranoid.

"I won't Veronica, please just calm down." Amanda said.

That was the end of our conversation. Amanda helped me change into something more comfortable and stayed with me all night, waking me up ever once and a while to make sure I didn't slip into a coma. When morning came around I found Amanda asleep next to me.

This is one of those moments when I wished I had a normal life she could be a part of. I wish I was just a normal college student who only had to focus on passing classes, balancing money and a beautiful girlfriend. But I can't, because I'm not.

My chance of a normal life was stolen from me a long time ago. Junior year of high school was when everything changed. I was in a car accident. What I didn't know at the time was that the accident wasn't really an accident.

My father wasn't the greatest man. He was in and out for most of my life but when my mom died, he had to step up and he did. He quit the drugs he was on and got clean to take care of me.

That was until I was ten. A few weeks after I turned ten my dad started to get threats. What I didn't know at the time was that he owed money to the Irish mod in Chicago. When the threats started to become worse, we picked up and left.

At first we moved east and settled in Ohio. Things were good until the mob found us again. I just turned 13 when we moved to New York City. In the city it was easier to hide. There are over 8 million people that live in the city. Dad and I blended in. We changed names, lived in a small apartment that has pretty cheap rent and I started middle school.

After we moved to the city dad would leave for a few days at a time and I had to learn how to fend for myself. I go a job at a restaurant down the street as a bus boy and started making my own money to support myself. The cook would always make a little extra food for me to take home so I had something to eat at night.

Dad never told me what he was doing when he went away and I didn't ask. It was just something we didn't talk about. Even when he was home he didn't talk much.

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