Chapter 15

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Amanda was knocked out for the count. There looks like a bruise forming on the side of her head. Dante didn't look happy. He was quite pissed off actually. Tess kept walking around in circles and I was going to yell again when the door opened. From this angle I couldn't see who walked in.

"Finally, it's about time you showed up." Tess said as I heard footsteps get closer.

"Vero, it's about time you meet Uncle Rory." Tess said smiling. I turned my head around and saw a man walk towards us, well he walked right over to Tess.

They hugged and he turned to me. Rory is well dressed in dress pants and a black button down shirt. Only I could imagine why he is so dressed.

"It's nice to meet the one that got away." Rory said in a thick Irish accent. I kept my mouth shut. I don't know anything about this man and I don't know what can set him off.

I took my eyes off of Rory and looked at Amanda. She is still unconscious and it looks like blood is rolling down the side of her head. My heart is screaming at me to get out of this chair and help her. Sadly my hands are still tied down to the arms of the chair. The zip ties are digging into my skin and the more I try to get out of them, the worse it gets.

"Tess did a good job stitching you up, I taught her well." Rory said grabbing my face making me turn my head so he could see Tesses handy work.

When he was done looking at the stitches, he forced me to look at him. Looking into his eyes, I started to get scared. Even the most horrible person in the world has a soul. No matter how dark it is, you can always see it in their eyes. But staring into Rory's almost completely black pupils, I didn't couldn't see it. He has no soul left and nothing to lose. That's when I really started to worry.

"We are going to play a little game Veronica." Rory said and let go of my face.

Tess pulled a revolver out from her waistband and handed it over to Rory. Rory looked at the gun for a minute and then pulled the hammer down before taking the gun and pointing it in the air. He then pulled the trigger and a bullet was fired from the gun making me jump. Rory did this two more times before handing the gun back to Tess.

"This game comes from my Russian friends. They would have these grand parties and have these games going on in the basement of their lavish homes for money." Rory walked around the three of us.

"The winner would get all of the money and only one man would walk out of that basement alive. Today there will only be two people who walk out of this place." Rory said.

In the background I heard Tess spin the barrel of the revolver. Rory is about the play Russian Roulette with us. I can only think that the people that would be leaving right now are Tess and Rory. Tess continued to spin the barrel of the gun and then snapped it into place before walking over to us.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked trying to stall, maybe if I can stall long enough I can get my hands free.

"Because you should have been dead a long time ago." Rory said and Tess pointed the gun at Dante.

Dante didn't say a word. He stared her down as she pulled the trigger. Right in front of my eyes another father was taken away from me. I heard a loud bang and Dante's blood sprayed everywhere.

"NO!" I yelled and tired to get out of my chair. Nothing I did worked, the only thing that happened was the plastic from the zip ties digging deeper into my skin.

"Why did you do that! Dante did nothing!" I yelled at them.

"HE did everything Veronica, he sheltered you, clothed you, he gave you a job, and practically made you a member of the family." Rory said almost yelling at me.

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