Chapter 12

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We didn't even make it one whole day married for something horrible to happen. I yelled at John and Luke to turn around and we started our way to the hospital as I spoke with Joe who gave me the details about what happened. Apparently Dante was coming home from church with Isabella when he was shot in front of the house. He covered Isabella when the shooting started, saving her life.

When we got the hospital we all went over to the waiting room to try and get some more information. All we got though was nothing but you have to be quiet in the waiting room. Some nurse weren't happy that we were basically blocking it up for other patience's families. But then Luke flashed his gun and the lady backed off.

But finally after sitting in the waiting room for a good half hour Joe walked down the hall rubbing his chin. His eyes landed on me and he walked over to me and pulled me out of my chair. We walked down the hall and didn't say something. Amanda stayed with John and Luke sensing how serious this was.

"Is he okay?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer.

For better or worse, Dante is like my father. I don't really know what I would do if he doesn't make it. Finally Joe stopped in front of room and opened the door before pushing me inside. Isabella looked up from her lap and I saw Dante sitting up in bed reading the newspaper.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked expecting a lot worse.

"Sit Veronica, we need to talk." Dante said and put the paper down.

"No, I'm not going to sit. My wedding day was just rudely interrupted thanks to this so I want to know what the hell is going on!" I yelled back.

"Wedding?!" Dante and Isabella both looked at me like I have ten heads.

"Yea wedding." I said and held up my hand to show them.

"We will talk about that later missy but right now we need to talk about what happened." Dante said and sat up but grimaced.

"Dan, don't hurt yourself." Isabella said and sat up to tend to him.

So he was hurt? But he looks fine, like nothing is wrong. Dante coughed a bit and had a smug look on his face.

"So you were shot?" I asked feeling a bit guilty for getting mad.

"Yea I was Scar and it hurt like a bitch." Dante said and settled in bed.

"So are you going to explain?" I asked waiting for the plan.

"The Irish did this. I spoke with their boss but I couldn't get anything out of him and I left it at that. That was until today." He said.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Now we wait for an opening. Make sure you keep Amanda close to you and John and Luke are around you guys when you leave for school. They are going to come after her now more then ever to get to you so just be careful Scar." Dante said.

"So basically, you don't really have a real plan? We are just going to go like you didn't get shot?" I asked annoyed that he didn't give a plan to follow.

"Yes Scar, just keep your head down." Dante said.

I bit my lip. I know that when Dante lays down his words that that's it. We don't question it. I rubbed my head and then looked down at my hand seeing the white gold band around my ring finger.

"Are you going to tell us about your wedding?" Isabella asked.

"What do you want to know?" I asked trying not to get frustrated.

"Were you two ever engaged?" Isabella asked.

"No, I just asked her this morning and she said yes. John, Luke, Amanda and myself went shopping then to city hall. After the wedding we took a walk through central park." I said.

"Can you bring her in here please?" Dante asked.

"Sure" I said.

Walking out of the room I saw Joe look at me. I gave him a small smile before walking back to the waiting room. Amanda is in the same chair I left her, still wearing my leather jacket over her dress. I held my hand out for her and she got up and followed me down the hall. 

"Is he okay?" Amanda asked.

"Yea, they just want to see you." I answered.

Amanda nodded and held my hand tighter. We walked back into Dante's room together. Both Dante and Isabella asked a lot of questions and we answered almost all of them. One thing they made clear was that they would be throwing us a party after Dante was released from the hospital. But finally Dante told us to go home and to let everybody know what was going on.

After a brief meeting with everybody in the waiting room Amanda and I went home for the first time as a married couple. Things felt different. I felt as if we are more connected as we walked through the front door to our apartment. I don't know if it's because we are now married but I don't care. Amanda is now mine and I couldn't be happier.

We both changed out of our clothes and put on some pajamas before heading to bed. Neither of us were in the mood to do anything sexual so we just went to bed. The rest of the week was okay, nothing exciting happened, well except when Sophia found out that I go married. She almost sh!t a brick. It's whatever, I'm happy and working hard for my finals.

Dante went home two days after the shooting and gave me another fight to prepare for. He only gave me four days to get ready and needless to say I was mad. But I couldn't argue the date. If I did he would just give me another one. When I told Amanda about it she was pissed. So pissed in fact that she almost went down to the gym with me when I trained. But I made her stay home in return I told her that she could some and watch me fight.

That probably wasn't the best idea. Friday night came and Amanda and I left the apartment together. John and Luke took us to the gym and we went downstairs. I found out the time I'm fighting and told John to take Amanda out into the stands so I could get ready.

"Hold onto this for me." I said and took off my wedding ring.

"Why are you taking it off?" Amanda asked and held the ring in between her fingers.

"I can't wear it during the fight, I can break my finger that way." I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

John took Amanda away then and I went in the back to get ready with Luke. He wrapped my knuckles and I started my pump up music. My fight was second tonight and so I didn't have long before I had to go out. The girl I was versing tonight I have fought before and won easily.

When I got to the ring I looked around the basement. The stands are full of people and I would think that tonight would be a good payday. I rolled my neck around and waited for the reff to get us together. Once the reff got into the ring he rang the bell. The girl started out swinging but she was swinging wildly and I easily blocked all of her shots.

The girl tried again and I only missed one of her shots. It hit my shoulder and I just shrugged it off. I have yet to throw a punch and I know that if I did I would end her night. So I let her have some fun with me first. I gave her an opening to hit me and she tried but I easily block it. I think that she started to realize that I was baiting her and then she blew a kick by me. I just barely got out of the way and when I got rocked by a punch to my face.

By the grace of god the round ended and I went back to my corner to shake off the dizziness.

"Now that you have had your fun, hit her please and just end this thing." Luke said and iced my head. I just nodded and took some water before getting up again, ready for the second round.

The bell rang again and the girl stayed back. She didn't come close to me so I would have to go after her. Something I didn't like to do. I rather sit back and wait for my chance. I moved closer to her and the girl started to swing. I could only play defense to her offense but as she was starting to tire out I landed a big right hand to her jaw and the girl hit the floor.

The final bell rang and the reff raised my hand. Luke walked me back to change out of my clothes as Dante came up next to me. He gave me my money and went on his way. Amanda came back into the dressing room and put my wedding ring back on my finger.

"That's the only time this comes off." Amanda said. I just nodded and kissed her cheek.

I quickly changed into some clothes and Amanda and I left after that. We got home a few minutes later and we went to bed.

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