Chapter 3: The Party

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Romeo and his friends get to the party put on there masks and sneak inside. Juilet is already there after a few drinks everyone starts dancing and Romeo sees Juilet from across the room. 

Romeo: Guys I have just seen the most beautiful girl in history.

Bevolio: Damn it.

Benvolio hands Mercutio 20 dollars behind his back so Romeo can't see them do it.

Mercutio: Dude..she's wearing a can you even tell what she looks like?

Romeo: uh... she just looks good with her face covered up I don't know but I think I'm in love!

Mercutio whispers to Benvolio

Mercutio: Thinks shes a butterface?

Benvolio: I wouldn't doubt it.

Then Romeo starts walking toward where she is

Romeo: I'm gonna go speak to the woman I love.

Mercutio: Wait there's Rosaline over there and It dosen't look like she's been chasited yet.

Romeo: She dosen't matter anymore.

Romeo walks off leaving the two of them alone.

Mercutio: How much you want to bet this will happen again next week?

Benvolio: I don't wanna loose anymore money to you man.

Mercutio: Fine but how about... fine let's go get us some drunk 12 year old man.

Benvolio: Sounds good because that seems like what everyone in our age is doing now.

Benvolio and Mercutio go off and do whats perfectly socially acceptable in that day and age and Romeo approaches Juilet by herself.

Romeo: Hello my love

Juilet: 0.0 Hi...

But she thinks to her self "This is my chance to prove I wont grow up to be a 14 year old virgin.

Romeo: You have such a beautiful mask my love.

Juilet: Errrr thanks your mask is very handsome to.

Romeo: Why thank you my mother picked it out for me.

Juilet: are you sure you love me?

Romeo: Because your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I would drink poison and die if I lost you.

Juilet: whoa whoa whoa who does that?

Romeo: I would I can't live without you and everyone would understand they would all write stories of our love for each other and it will be told forever how I couldn't live without you so we died. How romantic is that right?

Juilet:.......... seriously....

Romeo takes off his mask looks her dead in the eye's

Romeo: I'm dead serious love.

Juilet: Damn...your actually cute...(little bit way to clingy but cute) me at my balcony later on tonight it's the third balcony to the right

Romeo: Got it I shall meet you there my love.

Romeo runs out excitedly and waits by her balcony.  After a couple more drinks Juilet shows up at her balcony.

Juilet: Romeo! Where the hell are you!

Romeo: Here my love!

Juilet: There you are now get up here.

Romeo begans to recite romantic peoms and sayings while he walks toward the vines to climb up the balcony.

Juilet: Whoa man sounds like you had this rehearsed.

Romeo: I wrote it all down while I was waiting for you but I didn't want to tell you cause I thought it would be more romantic if people thought I could say all this about a girl I knew for about roughly an hour off the top of my head.

Juilet: Just get up here now!

Romeo: Yes my love

Romeo climbed up onto the balcony and the best way to describe it is Romeo tried to rectie more corny stuff he wrote down but it esclated really quickly once he got up there. Next morning Romeo had to leave because he didn't want to get caught in a capulet house.

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