Have my back

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Emily lay across her couch still in her pyjamas. She was due at the office in half and hour and it was a twenty minute drive. It was definitely a head game at this point 'Tell the Team' or 'don't' and it seemed to be a harder decision. Sure Emily new that telling them was her best option but telling them could very well throw her team into a dangerous world they had no business being in. Danger and death doesn't go away when you go to sleep or when you stop working a shift! It lives on no matter what!

Sighing Emily rolled off the couch to head to the bathroom where she showered and applied her make-up. Eleven weeks along and it felt like she was a sausage wrapped in plastic when she attempted to put her dress pants on. Knowing better than to fight and feel uncomfortable Prentiss decided to wear a dress instead. Why couldn't she be like some of those other woman who didn't show until they were in the second or even third trimester?


Emily stood in complete shock outside of the rec.centre Reid had just completely lashed out at her for no apparent reason and he had just scared the living daylight out of the poor receptionist.


The case had ended and everyone was at the BAU building getting ready to go home. Slowly everyone left leaving just Emily and Reid alone in the office. The black haired girl stood from her desk and walked towards her co-workers. "Hey" She offered him a smile before perching herself on the side of his desk.

"Hi." Was his simple reply not even looking up from the consult.

Not too sure what to do Emily gently nodded her head, "do you want a ride home? It's too cold outside to walk let along wait for the Metro." She offered.

"No, the cold doesn't really bother me."

Emily couldn't help but scoff capturing his attention. "Not even a thank you? Look I don't know what I did to you but I don't take being someone's personal punching bag very well. So please Reid just tell me what your problem is!"

The young man stared in shock for a while. "You don't trust us." He finally declared. "I don't feel safe when you have my back. I'm the youngest and most expendable member of this team and you're the most vulnerable, there is a higher risk of one of us dying every time we step on the field. So yeah, I don't trust you."

Emily just rolled her eyes. "Well tough love." Spencer's eyes grew as wide. "You have to be out in the field with me, respecting me for me to have your back. You don't trust me because you don't know me. Why not try to figure something out, or why don't you just ask a simple question?"

Emily stood from the desk, grabbed her purse and jacket, then headed for the door. Just as she pressed the elevator button Reid shot up from his seat and followed her. "Well what's your problem them?" He asked in a non harsh tone. "You've been acting differently too..."

"You tend to do that when you're pregnant." She replied nonchalantly. Right at then the elevator doors opened and Emily stepped in. "But you can't say a word."


  "What's that?" Gideon asked.

"Garcia found a similar case in Galveston Texas." Prentiss responded as she tapped her pen against her hand attempting to ignore the heartburn.

"A lot of Katrina refugees relocated there" Gideon said not noticing Prentiss' discomfort.

"Could be the same guy. He removed the kidney, just like Jack the Ripper" Prentiss said.

"Call Morgan and Reid. I want you all out on the plane to Texas tonight." Gideon said before walking away.


Gideon and Emily had a conversation about the unsub possible having been molested by her father as it was widely suspected that Jack the Ripper mutilated women after his mother sexually abused him for years. They also discussed that something was going on with Reid.

"So what's going on with you?" Gideon asked as he kept his eyes on the crowed.

Emily sighed as she struggled with her casual dress shirt. "I've only been here a few weeks, cut me some slack?" She asked.

"The Emily Prentiss who walked into Hotch's office two months ago and demanded she proves herself is not the same woman standing next to me. The one standing next to me is obviously struggling with something that she desperately needs to share."

She sighed knowing perfectly well that her superior was right. "I'm pregnant... Twelve weeks along..."

"How long have you known?"

"Since Guantanamo Bay." She revealed. "I was about a month by that point."

"No it wasn't anyone from the office?"

"No sir."

"Okay then." And the conversation ended.


How'd you find me?" Reid asked.

"You're not all that hard to profile" Gideon replied. "Your friend is good."

Reid nodded in response and they sat for a moment taking in the smooth notes that Ethan played on the piano.

"Did you find the answers you were looking for?" Asked Gideon as he slumped deeper into the chair.

"I'm struggling." Reid answered.

Gideon nodded "Well anybody who's been through what you've been through recently, would." He said as he turned to look at Reid.

"This is all I was groomed for" Reid said softly "I never even seriously considered another option"

"Now you're questioning whether or not you're strong enough to be here?" Gideon asked getting to the heart of the matter.

"Yeah" Reid said nodding his head.

"Have you talked to Prentiss? I'm sure she'll have some answers for you." Gideon replied.

"You know?" Reid asked as he sat up slightly.

Gideon nodded in response. "We talked about it, yes. And I'm guessing you know as well. You're both struggling with different problems and maybe you can be each others shoulders to lean on."  

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