Chapter 2

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When Kenneth awoke, his first thought was of Ailis. He quickly went out to find some dinner to keep his mind on something besides her. He found a great candidate; a large round man in his forties, the worst of his kind. He seduced young girls with promises of puppies and new clothes. As much as he wanted to, he could not bring himself to kill the bastard.

He took what he needed, erased the jerks memory, added a little something to make sure he didn't continue his dastardly ways and then left him wandering around looking for the nearest monastery. Serves him right, Kenneth thought to himself. Spending the rest of his life in the service of monks should help him to see the error of his ways. What was wrong with him? Usually he would have just drained the asshole and been done with it. He convinced himself that it was just the fact that he wanted information from Ailis and if she was running around everywhere looking for clues in his murders then he couldn't interrogate her. Yeah that was it, right? He had no idea how to even interrogate her. He couldn't keep his mind focused enough to ask the proper questions. He could hear her calling him but he still needed more time to prepare. He had been walking on the beach for about an hour when he felt her walk up behind him. He turned and eyed her suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked shocked because he had never allowed anyone to sneak up on him before.

"I was looking for you." She replied quietly.

"How did you find me?" He asked. "You didn't even know what I look like."

"I didn't have to, you were preoccupied so I slipped in and took a look around." She answered.

Kenneth's jaw dropped open at the thought that this "human" could enter his mind without his knowledge. He was beginning to think, she wasn't very human after-all. Why could he not sense what she was?

She looked up at him and cocked her head to the side examining him. "Yep, Kenneth suits you all right." She said a bit too sarcastically.

He had to gather his thoughts before he spoke. His brain was in a fog and he didn't like this at all. Better he get the information he needed and then wipe her memory. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Ailis looked at him like he was daft. "I already told you. I was looking for you."

"No" He shook his head. "I mean what are you doing in Miami?"

She turned into herself looking puzzled. She then looked back up shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't know either."

He was exasperated with this woman. She never told the truth. Well she was only telling a half-truth and he knew it. He tried to slip discreetly into her mind and was promptly pushed away, Not only by her mind, but also by the glare in her eyes.

"Don't do that again." She said crossly. "My thoughts are my own."

"I would say the same for me." He retorted back.

"How else was I supposed to find out where you were?" She asked all too innocently. "Besides I didn't see what you were thinking. I just saw what you saw so I would know were you were."

"Asking would have been a good step." He answered sarcastically.

She cocked her eyebrows at him. "Then I would not have been able to observe you being yourself. I am a detective after all." She answered with a wry chuckle.

So she was spying. He thought to him self, feeling a bit too satisfied for his liking. He liked the fact that she wanted to look at him. "How did you know it was me?" He asked.


Ailis would have known him anywhere. She didn't know why but it seemed that she had met him before. She answered with a swift "I just did" But that was untrue, she knew the minute she saw him walking forlornly into the wind.

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