Chapter 8

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  Ailis spent most of the night driving around in her squad car with Mitch, her over weight pompous partner.

  "Your being too quiet tonight, Ailis." He said looking over from the road to her. "What's been up with you the last few days?" He asked.

  "Nothing." Ailis answered. "I am just really tired."

  "Yeah." Mitch said. "I knew you were never a lifer here." He finished.

  "What's that supposed to mean." She asked, offended. Ailis hated to be treated like a weak woman.

  "I'm not dissing you or anything it's just that I figured that you are probably used to more action. I mean don't get me wrong. There's plenty of action here but never the evidence to find the people. You're the kind of person that gets off on the justice part of it and not just the killing part of it." He hastily added. Don't be too sure about that, she thought grimly to herself, remembering the two vamps she'd offed.

  "Whatever." Ailis said. "You're way off base."

"Ahh..." Mitch said. "Then it's a man that has you so down in the dumps."

Ailis glared over at him. "Don't even go there." Ailis warned.

"Okay Okay." Mitch said raising his hands in the air. "Forget I said anything." He pretended to shudder. "I'll do anything so that you don't give me the look. My wife has the look." He pretended to shudder again. Ailis smirked and turned to look out the window and Mitch turned back to stare at the road.

  They continued their shift in almost complete silence and once they arrived at the station, Ailis spent an hour writing up her reports. When she finished it was close to five in the morning. She went to the locker room, got her things and headed for the parking garage. As soon as the elevator door opened Ailis knew that something was wrong.

  She felt the presence of another and it didn't feel like a good one. She reached back, resting her hands on the twins, breathing easier with the knowledge that they were backing her up. She headed for her car while constantly scoping the area. She tried to walk as casually as possible when her internal warning system was screaming at her to run. Just as she was about to get to her car someone stepped in front of her.

  At first all she saw was a very broad chest but when she looked up a shot of fear hit her so hard that she stumbled backward, pulling out both Glocks and aiming them at his chest. She couldn't even speak while the stranger stood staring at her for what seemed like several minutes. Finally he started to approach her and she found her voice. "Stop right there." She said cocking the twins, proud that her voice sounded less shaky than she felt.

  He half smiled at her. "My you do look so much like your grandmother don't you?"

  Ailis was terrified. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest. "You're Monolo." She accused.

  "Oh so you know who I am." He responded. "It figures Carmelita would not have left this world without making sure that you knew what happened." His face twisted into a sneer. "Did she also tell you that I would have had her if that stupid stable boy had not interfered?"

  Ailis was confused. "You mean Beto? My grandfather saved her?" She asked.

  Monolo seemed angry. "That puny human was not your grandfather." He responded with condemnation in his voice.

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