Chapter 11

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"Wow!" Ailis exclaimed. "This is amazing."

"This is just the library." Kenneth said.

Ailis whistled. "It would take a long time to read all of these." She said. "Have you read them all?"

"Sure." He said "A few times."

"Can I see the rest of the house?" She asked.

"Oh. I'm sorry, of course." He said. They spent the next few hours touring the house. Each room was more amazing than the last.

"This is so beautiful." Ailis exclaimed.

"Thanks." Kenneth answered "But it's yours now as well."

Ailis stopped to look at the ball room. "This is an amazing room for parties or something. Do you ever have parties here?" She asked.

"Not in a long time." He said.

"Why not, do you not like to have people running around your house?" She asked.

"No. actually I love having a house full of people but I am no good at playing hostess."

"Oh." She said laughing a little. "Hey." She said. "What kind of police force do you have here?"

"Normal I guess. Why?" He asked.

"So that I can get a new job silly seeing as I am now jobless." She answered.

"You don't have to work. Do you?" He asked. "I can more that provide for us." He finished.

"That reminds me, what do you do for a living?" She asked kind of disappointed in herself for not thinking to ask sooner. What if he did something illegal?

"I don't really do anything anymore." He answered. "I bought a few thousand stocks in the waste management industry about forty years ago. It kind of blew up. Who knew people like to have their garbage disposed of."

Ailis laughed. "How many shares do you own?" She asked.

"About 300,000 shares." He answered.

"Wow. Do you do anything else?" She asked in awe. She had no idea she'd just hit the jackpot.

"I own a few castles here that have been turned into lavish hotels. I live pretty well off of my investments. So you see; you don't really have to get another job." He said. "Besides," He continued, pressing his hand over her stomach. "I thought that we would be too busy raising a house full of kids."

Ailis laughed. "We'll see. But, I'm used to working. I could get bored." She warned.

"I think I can think of some things to keep you busy." He said playfully.

Ailis laughed. "You know your sort of fun to be around." She told him.

"I would hope so." He said on a chuckle. They were moving to the upstairs bedrooms now.

"There are so many doors." Ailis said. Kenneth stopped at a door close to the end of the hallway.

"This," He said as he opened the door "will be the nursery." It was a very large room already set up as a nursery with beautiful antique furniture.

This confused Ailis. "Why is it set up as a nursery?" She asked.

"This house was my father's." He explained. "This was my nursery. I later moved down the hall when I was older."

"Why?" She asked.

"Well the nursery is right off the master bedroom and my parents planned to have more children so they wanted any babies to be close to them." Ailis continued to look around. Kenneth thought that maybe she didn't like it. "You can change anything you like." He said. "We will go buy anything that you need."

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