Chapter 4

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   When she awoke the next afternoon Ailis felt worse than ever. She got dressed and went to work. It was a slow night. No more murders and she was relieved. That meant even though Kenneth was a jerk about it, he had listened to her. It didn't matter though. She still didn't want to speak to or see him. He was a pompous jerk. Enough was enough. Ailis was about ready to call this awful city quits and head home. She didn't even really know why the hell she was here in the first place. She should have just put her grandmotherrs house up for sale and split but those damn feelings keept calling to her. They kept her here as if she were a prisioner. Ailis poured herself into her job. She worked exstra hours into the daylight and did whatever she could to keep her mind on other things. She was returning home three nights later and still didn't feel any better. Thank God she had not seen or heard from Kenneth.

   She thought about him a great deal and hated herself for it. He was a vampire for Gods sake! She knew it was better this way, but she couldn't get him out of her mind. He seemed to consume her every thought. Waking or asleep. It was as if meeting him had awoken some hidden piece of her soul that refused to now be ignored. She had to get out of here now. Before she could not resist this, whatever it was any longer. She was thinking about how long it would take for a transfer to go through when she stepped onto her porch and Kenneth appeared out of nowhere. She was in no mood for a confrontation with him. She could not see him. She was having enough trouble keeping herself from running to him in her sleep or something as it was. She looked up at him and knew right away that no matter how much she fought, he would never leave her alone. She sighed in resignation.

   "What are you doing here?" She asked wearily.

   "I was looking for you" He stated.

   "That's obvious Just go away." Ailis answered with bitterness in her voice.

   He looked hurt for a moment but quickly wiped his expression clear again. "I don't want to go away. We need to talk about the other night." He responded.

   "I'd rather not." She said as she brushed past him and opened the door. She turned to glare at him and realized that he still stood outside the door. Then it dawned on her he couldn't come in until invited. She looked up at him and snorted. "I wouldn't count on it. This is the only place you can't go where I would be left in peace. Now go away!" She closed the statement by slamming the door in his face.


   Kenneth could not figure this woman out. He knew her thoughts traveled to him as much as his did to her. Why was she being like this? They had a mystery to figure out. One that he was pretty sure was completely about his former fiancée, Ailis' grandmother. He walked over to the porch swing, sat down patiently and waited, knowing that she would have to let him in eventually.

   "Hello..." He called seductively. No answer. "Ailis.... I won't give up. We need each other and you know it as well as I do."

   Kenneth had tried to stay away. Oh God, How he'd tried. For the last three days, he'd been in hell. He felt her when she thought of him. He felt her fighting it even now. He was consumed with thoughts of her and it was driving him crazy. He felt her every feeling and the ones that hurt him the most, were the feelings of hatred and contempt he could feel coming from her. He deserved them all and he knew it but that didn't make it hurt any less. The fact that he was feeling hurt both angered and surprised him. It'd been over one hundred years since he'd given a shit what anyone thought about him. Why now? Why her? His life was falling apart and he blamed her. He'd just have to get what he needed and get back home and away from this siren who, Kenneth was sure, would be the death of him.


   Ailis could hear his voice inside her head, dark, deep and sultry, full of hope and promise, it was so warm and inviting, with a hint of laughter. She hated that he could get to her so easily.

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