Chapter 14

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Ailis awoke with a start. She knew the instant something was wrong. She felt the rush of anger come from Kenneth for a split second before he closed himself off to her. She ran to the library where she knew her grandmother was. She burst through the door breathing heavily.

"I know." Carmelita stopped her.

"Oh My God!" Ailis exclaimed. "What do we do?"

"We can do nothing." She answered. "Wait and pray that they make it out alive."

Ailis ran to her room. She wasn't going to take that answer. She would not sit here with her hands in her lap and wait for Kenneth to be taken from her. These assholes have jacked with the wrong fairy, she thought angrily as her eyes began glowing an emerald green and the yellow flakes began ebbing and flowing with her raised heart rate giving them a shimmering emerald effect. Goosebumps rose on her flesh as her fangs sprang free. Carmelita sat down and smiled. She knew Ailis would think of something.


Kenneth drew his sword as he fully changed. He could feel his skin pull tight over his head and his fangs lengthen to the longest point. He felt the power that was the essence of the vampire surge through him. He was no spring chicken anymore but where the human species grew feebler with age the vampire grew stronger, fiercer and more agile. He ran into the mass of clanging sword and fallen ash. Where he'd first seen fifteen or twenty of them, he now realized there were more of them filing out of the interior of the compound. Someone must have alerted Monolo to their plans. Traitor, Kenneth thought darkly as his sword sliced cleanly through the neck of an oncoming vampire. Kenneth didn't like killing all of these misinformed newbies but Jesus Christ, there were so many of them. He looked around and saw William staggering back from a blow to his side. Kenneth was there in a flash. He swung his sword over his head and watched it meet with the vampires' neck. It was a clean cut and the vampire was ash before he hit the ground. Kenneth nodded his head to William as he moved on.

The fight seemed to last forever and more kept coming. He had taken out at least thirty on his own and there were still more. They were tiring fast. He knew they should have brought more people. These vampires were young and still not trained but there were so many, Monolo must be strategically changing his own army. It was no longer their worry to find the vampires before he had a chance to brainwash them. He was making his own. A vampire always has loyalty to its maker. Especially if they don't know said maker is a lunatic. Ailis was the exception. She was born half vampire so all Monolo did by feeding her that last time was trigger all the vampire powers that were already in her DNA.

He turned when he saw a flash to his right a bit to late to deflect the blow to his leg. It hurt like hell and the vampire paid dearly for that pain. The cut was very deep. A little more and that bastard would have cut his whole leg off!

He was tired now from the physical exertion and he was quickly bleeding out. He needed to get the wound wrapped until he could feed enough to close it. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last. From the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the witches filing out into a line.

"Get back!" He screamed. Just then he felt the entire ground shaking. All fighting stopped as everyone turned to look at the women. Their hair seemed to blow back on an invisible breeze. Their eyes seemed to glow as they held hands. Kenneth felt the last of his strength going and he nearly fell to the ground.

He had the feeling they were using their powers to combine with his and the others of the force. Kenneth knew that something bad was fixing to happen. Monolo's men walked toward the woman as if transfixed while Kenneth and his men backed away from them. The woman began to lift off the floor, floating. Just as Kenneth felt the last of his strength fading, Monolo appeared in front of his followers, flicked his hand and the witches tumbled to the ground as if they were puppets and someone had just cut their strings. They all got up cowering as Monolo glared at them. He turned to his men and glared before spotting Kenneth. He started walking across the compound toward him, knocking his men over to get them out of his way if they didn't part quick enough.

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