Frank Likes Man Skirts

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Gerard walked into first period the next day just as the bell was ringing. He cast a small smile at Miss Jackson before sauntering back to his desk, being ever so careful not to even glance at the boy he was sat beside. Gerard could feel franks sideways gaze scanning over his body, judging him yet again. He didn't care, though, Frank was just another ignorant little fuckboi.

"H-hey..." Frank started, hesitance in his voice.

Gerard sighed heavily, not bothering to turn his head, "What?"

"Gerard, right?" Frank questioned tentatively.

"Ya. Now what do you want?" Gerard all but snapped.

"I- uh... You seemed really cool when we talked yesterday, but I, um, heard a few things pertaining to you. Not really good things, and I wanted to ask you about it, but you seemed mad at me in sixth period or something..." Frank trailed off, noticing Gerard's closed off demeanor.

"Oh. I've heard the rumors- they're all true by the way, and I wasn't mad at you, or anyone for that matter." Gerard shrugged, peering over at Frank as his mouth widened a bit.

"I-I heard a lot of things, Gerard. They're all true?"

"What can I say, Frankie? I get around..." Gerard smirked as Frank simply nodded, clearly shocked.

"Oh... Ok." Frank whispered, turning back to face the teacher.

"So, Frankie, now you know a lot about me, tell me a bit about you?"

"Oh, well, my name is Frank, I want to be a guitar player, I'm a junior who just transferred from a catholic school down the road, and I love dogs." Frank smiled.

"Cool, why'd you transfer though?" Gerard questioned.

"My, uh... My mom found out I wasn't the straightest nail in the fence..." Frank looked down in a pathetic attempt to hide his ever growing blush.

"You're gay?" Gerard chuckled, doing his best to keep a straight face. Pun intended.

"Shut up!" Frank hissed, playfully swatting at Gerard's arm, "you're not straight either so you have no room to talk."

"Fine, fine. Does your dad know?"

"No, and I intend to keep it that way as long as possible, otherwise he'll disown me and kick me out before I'm done with school." Frank sighed, internally dreading the conversation he and his father would have inevitably one day.

"Oh, I'm sorry he doesn't understand. I'm sure in the end it will turn out fine, though." Gerard tried, in a failing attempt to make Frank feel even the slightest bit better.

"It's whatever. I don't care anymore. How does your dad feel about you being gay?"

"I... I'd rather not talk about that." Gerard stated before turning his attention back to the lesson, and hoping Frank would get the hint.

"Sorry, didn't know that was a touchy subject..."

"It's fine. Doesn't matter." Gerard responded weakly, before getting out his notes and attempting to actually do work for once.


Frank had grown on Gerard, and vice versa, and by the end of the week the two were fairly close, each being glad they had someone half decent to talk to. They talked about a lot, and frequently exchanged witty and sexual banter, flirting as though that was all they knew how to do.

"Hey, Gee?" Frank turned to Gerard as they walked out of the school and towards Gerard's car.

"Yea, Frankie?"

"Do you want to come over? My dad won't be home for a while and, to be honest, I get pretty bored scrolling on tumblr alone." Frank chuckled, waiting for his friends response.

"Sure, let me just text Mikey." And with that, the two got in Gerard's car and made the short drive to Franks house.


"You coming?" The shorter boy called, already up the steps leading to the front door.

"Yes. Sorry I'm not as fast as a squirrel on cocaine..." Gerard sighed, smiling as he saw Frank giggle and unlock his door.

Gerard stepped inside, admiring the many pictures of Frank and his family that littered the walls, and judging their poor choice in paint as bright orange walls did not, in fact, match their dark brown carpet.

"I like your house..." Gerard trailed off, still glancing around.

"Thanks," Frank said, devoid of emotion. "Hey, mom! I'm home!" Frank called in to the seemingly empty house.

"Ok!" Gerard heard a woman's voice call back, and then footsteps approaching them. "Oh, who's this?" The woman asked.

"Mom, this is Gerard. Gerard, this is the woman who held my awesomeness inside her uterus for nine months." Frank smiled as Gerard gave a friendly wave and his mother simply nodded in response.

"Always nice to meet a friend of Frank's, lord knows there aren't many." She chuckled, Frank taking mock offense. "I'm just kidding. If you boys need anything I'll be upstairs."

Frank nodded before pulling the taller boy down a hall and into what Gerard assumed to be Frank's bedroom. As they walked in, Gerard took in the appearance. A simple queen bed in the corner with a black and gray comforter, the walls lined with posters from various bands, clothes scattered about, and a gay porn magazine resting on franks desk.

"Hey Frank?" Gerard asked, barely stifling a giggle as Frank was completely oblivious to what was located on his desk, "what, uh, whatcha got there..?" Gerard pointed vaguely towards the obscure magazine.

"Wha- oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Frank shrieked, leaping for the magazine to stuff it away. However, Gerard was faster, and snatched it up, looking at the page it had been open to- a man with red hair holding a bagpipe, and 'not noticing' that his kilt, and lack of underwear, was showing off his dick.

"F-Frank... What are you jerking off to, holy shit!" It was then that Gerard died of laughter, and Frank, well Frank just died on the spot out of complete embarrassment, and the fact that he knew Gerard would never let him live this down.


Here's a chapter for you lovelies.

Please vote/comment if you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and yea.

Have a nice day :3

Merci pour le Venin...

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