Chapter Eight: Lub You?

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A/N: If you are triggered by domestic violence and assault, this chapter may not be for you. I will include a recap at the beginning of next chapter in case anyone decided to skip this chapter due to violence. The reason I included domestic violence in this story is because I am going to school to become an attorney for domestic violence victims, and it's important to me that people understand the severity of abusive relationship. But there is hope!

I love you all and please enjoy one of my favorite chapters so far.


Lub You?

Trenton was careful around Carlie the next day. He seemed off, and Carlie noticed, but she didn't bother him about it. But then it got worse. He didn't talk to her, didn't touch her, nothing. Now, as they stood in a local store, Carlie wanted to say something. Everyone was going over to her parents' house to watch the Cowboys game, no thanks to Christopher, and she didn't know if her family was what made him that way. Carlie was growing tired of the silence.

He held her hand in his grasped tightly as they walked throughout the store, grabbing whatever they would need to have a successful party. Carlie had tried to talk to him, tried to kiss him, but the only thing he seemed to want to do was hold her hand and walk, so she obliged. But ten minutes into their shopping trip, Carlie couldn't take it anymore. She sighed as she planted her feet into the ground, and as Trenton continued to walk, he felt resistance.

"You coming?" He tilted his head, the fourth words he'd said that day.

"No," she replied as Trenton walked closer to her.

"What's wrong?"


"Me?" Scoffed Trenton.

"Yes, you. You seem a little... off," Carlie replied gripping his other hand as they stood in the middle of the isle.

"I'm fine, Carlie," he replied, his voice sounding exasperated as Carlie pouted.

"You're not. Tell me what's wrong," she pushed as Trenton shrugged.

"I am okay. Come on—"

"Give me a kiss, then, if you're okay," Carlie challenged, knowing he couldn't refuse a challenge, and yet, he did.

"We're in the store. What if people see us that know Douglas?" Trenton denied as Carlie let go of his hands, strutting in front of him as Trenton stood there.

"Come on, we've gotta go," she replied as Trenton shook his head, continuing through the store with his now pissed off girlfriend.

Carlie wasn't speaking to him. As Trenton drove down the road, still holding her hand, he couldn't help but replay the night before. When she whispered those words, his heart immediately hit him, and it did so violently. He knew he was in love with her, but he wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual, so he remained silent. Sure, she probably loved him for being so nice during a rough time in her life. She could've even loved him for being so warm toward her daughter. And that was fine. But he wanted her to undoubtedly be in love with him. He wanted her to fall for him as hard as he was falling for her— not as a friend, but as her man. Trenton was so shy around her, always calculated when it came to telling her his feelings, and he could tell that it was annoying her, but he just wasn't sure about how and when to say it.

So he didn't. An hour long drive, and the only sounds heard were Christine and Christopher laughing and playing in the back. It was annoying both Trenton and Carlie, but they continued without speaking.

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