Chapter Sixteen: Lightning and Widower

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Lightning and Widower 

"You okay?" Trenton questioned as he stabilized Carlie on the horse.

Her name was Lightning, the same as Carlie's four wheeler, oddly. She was Palomino and her yellow coat attracted Carlie from the beginning. When Carlie suggested the idea, Trenton was all about it. He was excited to spend a day riding horses and four wheeling. New York is where he learned to do those things, and he was getting back to his roots with his fiancée right next to him.

He was happy to see that she found a good horse and was able to connect with her quickly. Lightning let Carlie pet and feed her, and when she saddled her, there was minimal opposition.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Carlie smiled as Trenton leaned up and kissed her lips softly.

"Trent!" Shouted someone as they waved from the stable. It was Mrs. Graline, a friend of Trenton's who was a nice, little old lady that told the couple to be back whenever they felt. She and her husband owned the farm and fell in love with Trenton and Kit when they first rode.

"Yes madam?!" Trenton shouted back.

"Widower's ready! Here he comes!"

Widower. The all black horse had a white diamond in the center of his coat. He looked terrifying by his size. He stood at almost six feet tall and his muscles pushed him to be the strongest, fastest horse out of the Graline Farm's stock of twenty.

"Babe, shouldn't you walk him out here? Is he gonna hurt you?" Carlie frowned, concerned as Trenton shook his head.

"No, he'll—"

Widower booted out of the stall, setting his eyes on Trenton who was about twenty yards away. Carlie bit her lip, terrified that her fiancée would be injured as she watched Widower charge. All the while, Trenton was encouraging his behavior, clapping and taunting. The horse didn't look happy, and sped up a little once Trenton started stomping along with his clapping. Widower slid to a halt in front of Trenton and the two had a small moment before the horse tossed his head up and began trotting around Trenton.

Widower put his head down eagerly as he waited for Trenton to pet him and he neighed with content. Trenton chuckled, hugging the horse's neck as Widower threw a fit of happiness, accidentally knocking Trenton down as he laughed loudly.

"What'd you do that for?" Trenton smiled widely as he stood up, brushing his jeans as Widower grimaced, not meaning to hurt his first handler.

When the two of them met, Widower was a wild, carefree pony with no desire to be disciplined. All he wanted was to play all day, and never wanted to work. When Trenton showed up, all that changed. He and Kit visited the stalls twice a week, during which time Trenton and Widower grew close. Trenton worked with the horse and trained him, making him the fastest and strongest. Widower was his escape from his life with his ex and because of that, they formed a bond.

Widower wasn't done greeting Trenton yet. He neighed again as Trenton fed him his favorites: carrots, and with just that, Trenton had made up for not seeing his horse in a year. As long as Trenton was around, Widower was okay with handlers, but when Trenton stopped taking his weekly flight to see Widower on the weekends, he became distant and depressed. Trenton wished he could explain that it was because of his new fiancée and their daughter, but he couldn't. The only thing he could do was introduce Carlie to Widower and gage his reaction.

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