Chapter 23

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Hermione POV:

Operation Mongoose is a go. (Mongoose is a code name.) Ginny thinks I'm nuts but honestly I don't care. Operation mongoose consists of me breaking up whatever is going on between Annabeth and Trey. He's mine. Try me bitch.

I remember when I wanted to break up Ron and Lavender (and technically I did) but I couldn't do it because I was all innocent and stuff. But I have faced a war and I have done things no one at my age should have to do.... I've grown up. And nothing is going to get in the way of my happiness, I have put myself aside for too long! For once I just want something to go the right way and let me have this one thing......

Today is the day right after I saw Trey eyeing Annabeth. I got up, got ready, and walked out. On my way to potions I saw Trey walking towards me, then I saw Annabeth sitting on a bench in the halls reading "War Tactics For The Common Wizard" thought that was a weird book to be reading, but everyone has different taste. I walked up to Trey smiling and kissed his cheek. I saw Annabeth look up from her book for a second. She wasn't looking at us though. She was looking at that Percy Jackson guy and his girlfriend Rachel
(a/n OKAY IDK WHO RACHEL IS BECAUSE IM ONLY ON BOOK THREE I JUST HEAR THAT EVERYONE HATES THEM TWO TOGETHER, SO WHY NOT INFURIATE MY READERS?! LOL ILYGuys) they where chatting it up. She glanced at me and Trey and she saw me starring then glared.

She slammed her book and walked away. I looked at Trey "gotta go. Class stuff" I said. I'll just use my time turner and go to class later. I followed Annabeth, I rounded a few corners so I could cut her off and ""accidentally"" run into her.

It worked. I ran full force into her knocking us both down. She grumbled

"Watch where your going you clumsy idiot!" She said. Oh hell no this bitch didn't just call me an idiot!! Play it cool Hermione. I fake smiled

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I said. She huffed and picked up her stuff "whatever." And began to walk away. She so salty!

I ran next to her

"I'm Hermione Granger" with that she stopped dead on and looked at me then gasped

"The Hermione Granger?!?" She said raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded. She smiled

"Oh my gods! I'm sorry I called you an idiot! You're the smartest person EVER! I read about you in 'Famous Wizard Wars' and 'Some Of The Smartest Witches Everyone Should Know' and you are amazing" she pulled out a book and pen, "can you sign my book??" She said with hopeful eyes. I was shocked. Almost too shocked to say anything

"I- yes. Yes I most certainly can!" I took her book and signed it then handed it back to her

"There you go!" I said. She smiled.

"Thank you! Would you like to go to the library with me?" She asked. I nodded "that'd be fantastic!" I said.

This might be easier than expected....

*at the library*

"Oh my gosh I love that book!" Said Annabeth as I held up a book about Athena. I laughed.

"So Annabeth. Have you seen any boys that you like?" I asked as non suspicious as I can. She sighed

"Yes.... But he likes someone else" she said. I pat her shoulder

"It's okay. What's his name" I asked

"His name is Percy. And he's a Gryffindor" she said. Wait what?!? What?!? No!!

"Wait but.... But.... Aren't you and Trey??" I asked. She laughed

"God no! We are just friends, of course we aren't dating." She said. I sighed

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