I Believe You

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That night, after wandering around for hours, I finally decided to head back to the common room. When I climbed through the portrait, I was met with dozens of eyes. At this point, you'd think I would be used to it but this time it was different. The eyes were filled with not only judgement and anger, but with pity.

I wanted nothing more than to climb into my bed and try to forget the looks I was getting, but I knew that there was one thing I needed to do first. I spotted the person I was looking for right away and walked up to him slowly, looking down at my feet as I went. 

He noticed me first but he didn't say anything. "Look, Neville, I'm really sorry about what happened today. I didn't know that Amycus would do that... I don't know if it matters but I really will try to not piss him off." And without looking up at him once, I turned to leave but someone caught my arm.

I was surprised to see Ginny gripping my forearm tight. "Ginny?"

She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me towards her so that her mouth was at my ear. "I think we should tell them. Meet us in the Room of Requirement in twenty minutes." And then she walked away.

I stood there for a few seconds with surprise but eventually my nervous system started working again and I was able to react. I didn't think it was a good idea. They would be put in danger by knowing something like that... But they were in danger regardless... What was I going to do?

Twenty minutes later, I walked to the Room of Requirement by myself. When I reached the door, I knocked on it and hoped that someone would be on the other side already. Within a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Ginny, Neville, Luna, and a few other DA members. It was sad to see the remainder of the DA and how depleted their numbers were. I was also surprised they were still gathering like this. 

"What is she doing here?" I heard multiple people say. 

There were a few choice words shouted at me before Ginny yelled, "Shut up everyone! I invited her here because she has something to tell you."

"What? Sorry for being a traitor?" I heard someone say.

"Shut up! You don't know anything. Go ahead, Allie," Ginny said.

I looked around the room. These people wanted to tear my throat out. What was I supposed to say to them? I cleared my throat loudly. "Well, I don't really know what to say to you..."

"Tell them the truth," Ginny encouraged.

I paused. "Well, I have an agreement with the Order... I've been collecting information for them...I've been doing it the entire summer. I knew the risks going into it but I never thought that they would have this much control. There was a forced marriage...well, a forced unbreakable vow...and then, I think you all heard what happened next. They used dark magic on me and now I'm tied to them in a way that will keep me from acting out. I just want you all to know that I'm not a traitor and I never intend to be."

"Why should we believe you?" Micheal Corner said.

"Because I was there when she made the promise to the Order. None of this is her fault! Hell, the only Death Eater that she's friends with is one of the nicest teachers here, don't you agree? She hates the Carrows just as much as we do--"

"Even more actually," I said, interrupting Ginny.

"I have to disagree with you there," Ginny said.

"Is all this true?" Neville asked, speaking up for the first time.

"Completely. Look, I wouldn't lie about this. You guys are my friends...or at least you used to be. I know you all hate me and probably have since the minute everyone found out about me dating Draco but, I can't help this! Do you think I willingly go through all of this if I didn't love him? If I didn't want to help you guys?

"Neville, do you remember fifth year when we were all being held by the Inquisitorial Squad and for some reason Draco told everyone to let you go so that you could go to the Ministry? Did you ever think about why he would do that? It's because I asked him to. Not only am I not the bad guy here, neither is he. He may not be the most honorable or honest guy but none of you would be if you grew up in his house. I can promise you that.

"Now, you guys can believe me or you can think that I'm a dirty rotten liar but I'm on your side. And I have been from day one."

It was quiet for a few seconds. I was beginning to think that everyone was going to continue hating me but Neville said, "I believe you."

"Thanks, Neville," I said, smiling.

"I believe you too," Luna said.

She was followed by a chorus of people saying that they believed me. I couldn't stop the smile from growing on my face. I finally felt accepted for the first time this year. I believed that somehow, this would be easier after this. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to get through this year with people who supported me.

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