They Must Be Signs...

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Hey all, sorry for forgetting to upload last Thursday, I must have forgotten because I have been studying so much. Blame the stupid summer exams I have, not me! At least I remembered, I haven't forgotten you all! :) Okay, so here it is.

Chapter 13:

Amber's POV:

I wake up with a sick feeling. I could feel the sick coming up my throat. I flit out of Damian's arms and into the bathroom. I get down on my knees and puke into it, why me!? I puked up everything yesterday and I haven't had anything since so how am I still puking?! Damian flits in behind me and holds back my hair. I don't want him seeing me like this, I must look a mess. He starts stroking my hair and massaging my back. He's the best boyfriend ever. I start crying and pull back from the toilet.

"Shh", Damian soothes. I feel like shit, I hate being sick. "Are you okay now, baby?"

"Yeah, thanks". He smiles and helps me off the ground. "I'm going to have a shower". He nods and turns on the shower for me then goes out to the bedroom. I take off my underwear and bra as that was the only thing I was wearing. I get in the hot shower and soak my hair and body. I put the shampoo in my hair then wash it out, then do the same with conditioner and then lastly wash my body. I get out and wrap myself in a fluffy towel as I brush my teeth thoroughly. My breath must have stunk from all that puking.

I leave the bathroom and go back to the bedroom. Damian was there on the bed waiting for me. He was dressed and looking sexy as ever. His hair was perfect looking and his eyes were concerned as he looks over me. I force a smile and go over to the wardrobe. I put on some fresh underwear and a bra, black skinny jeans, fluffy socks and brown uggs. Then I put a white draped cowl-neck top on and a black leather jacket on. I then flop onto the bed beside Damian and rest my head against his shoulder.

"Want me to do your hair?" he asks, wrapping his arm around me. Him, do my hair? That will be interesting. "I promise to do it the way you like it".

"Okay, if you can try but if you do it bad I'll beat the shit out of you". He chuckles and goes over to turn on the hairdryer. He sits me down on the chair in front of the dressing table. I look at my reflection. Damian grabs a comb and turns on the hairdryer.

"I'll make it perfect like you, now close your eyes". I do as he says and close my eyes. He dries my hair and combs it. When he's finished he runs his fingers through it.

"You can open your eyes now". I open my eyes and take a look at myself in the mirror. "You like?" he asks.

"Do I like? I love!" I squeal excitedly. He had my hair in curls and waves. He had straightened my side fringe and let it fall into the waves and curls. "You could be a hairdresser".

"Yeah right, I doubt it".

"Seriously you could, do you do art in school?"

"Yeah, it's actually my favourite subject. I love painting, drawing, sketching and all that. That's something no one knows about me".

"No one?"

"Not a soul but you. They know I do art but they've never seen any of my works and they don't know that I actually like doing it".

"Could you draw me?" He looks distraught.

"I...yeah I-I guess", he chokes.

"What's wrong?" I ask with worry.

"Nothing, I just don't know if you'd like it. You might think I'm shit".

"You're not shit, I'm sure you're the best artist ever". He smiles and takes my hand.

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