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DELANEY CALLS ME LATER THAT night. By later, I mean when I'm already snoozing in my bed. "Who's going to pop Drew's bubble?" she snaps.

"No-one," I huff sleepily. "We're going to go through with the new plan."

A cynical laugh slips from Delaney. "Right. What is the new plan, exactly?"

"We're going to make some new friends."

"You're kidding me."

A moment of silence from both of us. Delaney repeats emphatically, "You have got to be kidding me."

"Sorry, Laney."

"Okay, for one scary moment, you sounded like my sister. Don't call me Laney."

"Request denied."

"Bitch," she growls. "I don't think it's going to work. You can't seriously think it will. Do you?"

A significant part of me doesn't think it will work either, but we've been fighting the Monarchy the entire year, only taking an offensive approach. It's time to switch tactics, I think, because Brittany is looking for full-frontal attacks. She's looking for defiance.

Not gestures that squeeze through the cracks and steal her allies away from her.

"If you guys don't want to talk to them, don't. I've already got some of their trust, and I'll keep it for as long as it's useful. Once you get knowledge, you can't get rid of it. And that's all I need. I certainly won't be looking for new best friends."

"Just promise me you won't suddenly want to forgive them because of something they tell you. Drew's already hoping they can change." Delaney warns me with urgency, "You have to be smarter than that."

"I'm never going to forgive them," I assure her. "There is no doubt about that."


I've always believed I'm a good musician.

In elementary school, I learned how to play piano from a set of old theory books Mom and I found at a garage sale. Most of my musical knowledge is self-taught. And here I've been thinking that was impressive until Derek shows me his score for our music test. Everything right for theory, everything right for aural. Green ticks all over the place.

That bastard.

It's one of those few moments when I lose my composure and I can be read like a book. Derek laughs at me. "Your face! Priceless."

I feel a lick of discomfort on my spine hearing such camaraderie slide off Derek's tongue, but I remind myself of my new mission. I need to get close to him to get what I want. An easygoing smirk naturally falls on my lips. That expression of confidence and lightheartedness has become my automatic defense when I want to mask my emotions, I realise. "Just wait till next time. I'll beat you."

"Oh, you can't beat the best."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ashley's head turn in our direction. My eyes can only meet hers for a second, before dropping away in guilt. She looks absolutely baffled by the lack of tension between Derek and me, betrayed even.

I know I can trust her with any Revolution business whatsoever, but this mission is on a need-to-know basis. She probably thinks I've suddenly converted or something. Whatever she thinks of me, I'll endure because at least the real plan will be safe. This is our last shot for freedom before school ends. Not for the senior class, who will be leaving, but for everyone who's ever been walked over. This sick pattern can't go on.

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