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IF DREW IS HALF AS CONVINCING as he was when he got Benjamin, Delaney and Leah onside, we might actually stand a chance.

Even though the Monarchy tried to cancel the Mathletes, sabotaged the Debate Club in sophomore year and bullied Leah's younger sister, all three of my friends agreed to attempt to talk to them civilly. I have no doubts that they would have heaps of things to say to them, but civil things? That list is probably empty.

Nevertheless, Drew hums a cheerful tune as he peruses the paper in front of him. I don't know what he told each of them, but at least they're on board.

He's taken charge of the planning. He explains that all five of us need to strike on the same day, when they're separated. If one of the Monarchy relays to Brittany that we've confronted them, she'll probably tighten ranks and not let any of them be alone. Strength in numbers.

"Pick your fighter," he jokes. The five Monarchs' names are written on a small notepad. Delaney swipes the notepad, not hesitating for a second. When she leans back, and we lean in, I realise where she wrote her name.

Next to Brittany's.

Leah and I exchange a puzzled stare. If she had the first pick of the Monarchs, surely she wouldn't pick the person who infuriates her the most? Maybe Reece, or Terrence. Delaney would run verbal laps around both of them.

"Uh..." Leah hums. "Delaney? You know what this is for, right? The person you wrote your name down next to is the person you need to—"

"—talk to and try to get them to change sides," Delaney completes, laughing airily. "You really think anyone is going to convince Brittany to change sides? Of course she won't, but while the rest of you are doing your simultaneous persuasions, I'm the one who stands the best chance of keeping her occupied."

I guess Delaney does have a point. It's only reasonable she be the one to take Brittany, since she is on the Debate team — which makes her both a better arguer, and a bigger target for Brittany.

Her grey eyes alight with a vicious glee. "I'm going to put her through the wringer."

I wince as I imagine the decibels those two girls will reach when they clash.

Leah takes Madison. I take Terrence. Drew takes Reece. I think it's Reece and Derek that Drew is really concerned about, because he doesn't mind that Leah and Delaney — inevitably, though no-one's said it aloud — are only going to lambast the girls. I only hope this little sympathy mission won't hurt Drew more than he already has been.

"Benny!" Drew exclaims, glancing behind us. I whirl around in the seat, seeing his familiar frame approach the table.

He looks tired, but nothing compared how tired I've been feeling these past few weeks. Sinking into a vacant chair, he lets out a groan and rubs his eyes. "Sorry guys, Mathletes practise ran later than we anticipated. They were handing out the final information for the qualifying competition."

"Don't worry," Drew chirps. Nothing can dampen his mood today. "I hope you don't mind, but you have to talk to Derek. Yay."

Benjamin, unexpectedly, smiles icily, a look that I will gladly never see again. "Perfect. I'm going to knock his dead eyes out of their sockets—"

"—talk to Derek," Drew corrects him. "Peacefully. With manners, and empathy."

"Ugh. You were serious? I thought your message was code for giving him a piece of my mind."

"Not code this time. I mean it." The hopeful, slightly pleading expression in Drew's eyes must convince Benjamin, because he lets out a resigned sigh.

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