26 | fallout

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I DROP THE TRAY OF fries and sauce packets onto the table, unceremoniously sliding into the booth next to Benjamin. "Okay, how'd we do?"

Soft music streams outwards from the radio centrepiece of our table. Though the café is calm, I glance to the door one more time nervously. We all remember what happened the last time we were at the Stereo Shack, the day after Benjamin and Drew fought with Reece and Derek. If the Monarchy walks in on us discussing their downfall today, shit is going to fly.

Leah shares first. "I did fine. Ash and them were practically already on our side. Dance Club was more than willing — considering their vendetta against Brittany — though they made me wait for their rehearsal to finish before anyone would talk to me. They're going to spread the message through the marching band."

Drew leans over the table and pulls the tray of fries closer to him. He waves a mayonnaise packet questioningly at Delaney, who shakes her head.

"My Mathletes are all for this, but they want anonymity whenever they're involved. The Olympiad kids were reluctant," Benjamin says carefully, "But most of them know me so they came round eventually. They want the same anonymity."

Drew pitches in, "Half of Chess Club said yes, and half said no. They were really scared, so I don't blame them. And those Drama kids are an evil piece of work. They said that if I cleaned their practise room, they would join."

"I would have paid to see that," says Delaney, shaking with laughter.

"I wish you would have!"

Leah asks mirthfully, "Well, did they agree?"

"Yeah, about that," Drew complains, "Turns out they were always planning on saying yes. They just saw an opportunity for free manual labour and thought why not?"

Considering how little I had to do in comparison to get the Photography Club behind the Revolution, Drew caught the sour end of the deal. Recounting my meeting with them, I announce, "Book Club took a little bit of persuading but they agreed eventually. I gave up the camera to the Photography Club, which I think helped convince them to join. Is that okay?"

Everyone gives me a variation of, "Of course."

"Well, I wish I had any of your groups. Turns out, Debate Club wasn't the hardest group to convince. All of them were willing to join. The newspaper team, however—" Delaney squeezes her hands into tight, vengeful fists. "I want to wring their necks."

She looks beyond pissed off right now, and I edge away from her, taking the fries, in case she decides to release her anger. "Why?" What could they possibly have done?

"Because, they said that if I wanted them to join, I would have to write a piece every week for a new column they're doing. Basically become one of them."

Well, that's not so bad. But from the way she says it, it sounds like she had to walk through a field of Legos with no shoes. That is to say, painful as fuck. "And what did you say?"

"Yes, of course. We need all the people we can get. But now I have to give up my time, my energy and my amazing brain to write a stupid article just so a few kids will help us!"

"Glad to see your ego wasn't damaged," Benjamin comments. Delaney's lips curl into a snarl, and her hands come up in front of her—

Before a quarrel and begin, I interrupt cheerfully, "That's great, almost everyone joined."

"Well, almost everyone wants the Monarchy gone," Delaney rolls her stormy grey eyes, settling back down into her seat. "They just need a little incentive. Or free labour."

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