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THE ROYALS ARE A FORMIDABLE football team, but by no means the best in the state.

From the one game I watched at the Homecoming Fair, it was clear that Reece Dormer carries the bulk of the team's athletic capabilities. And one shining star does not a constellation make. Everyone knew Carsonville High School wasn't going to take out the regionals of our division, but that didn't stop the school from clamouring about the playoffs for the third and fourth place, and the raging afterparty at Reece's house, come Monday.

I made it through AP Calculus and Music without letting the gossip get to me, choosing instead to focus on Benjamin, Leah, and the Unofficials as my company. When I walk into Home Ec., I notice three things. Firstly, the class is abuzz about the football game and how Reece will definitely be scouted. Secondly, Angela is absent — possibly with a cold, since the weather is dipping wildly of late. Thirdly, Terrence sits in her usual spot.

As with Derek and Madison, who were not originally in my Music Theory class — does Madison even play an instrument? — but were placed by Brittany on diligent guard about a week after I arrived at Carsonville, sharing a class with Terrence sucks. It used to suck because it was an immediate mood killer having to be in close proximity with petty and cruel classmates, but now it sucks because it's a reminder of Brittany crying.

Since last week, I've been trying to forget the encounter with Brittany. I didn't expect to dig so deep and drag such an emotional response from her, but I did. One part of me is glad I did because she's been avoiding all of my friends, likely out of embarrassment, and interfering less in other students' lives. One part of me regrets ever diving into her secrets because the harrowing encounter with Brittany has made me rethink what I supposedly know about the Monarchy.

Having Terrence so near makes it even worse. The last time I heard from him is the same as the last time we spoke. The last time we spoke, he asked me to get to know him better before writing off the idea of friendship. But write him off I did, until the last time I heard from him, when he and Reece revealed that Brittany makes them do a lot of things they don't want to do. Attending afterparties was the superficial example, but I can't help but wonder how much deeper it goes.

Now I question what things her four friends did of their own volition. Would Reece and Derek have walked away from fighting Ben and Drew if she wasn't there? Would Terrence have pulled that cruel dunk tank joke if he had no affiliation with her? Would Madison have ever bullied Faune if she was free from Brittany's influence?

I used to condemn all of them for making such hurtful choices, for deciding to bully others. Now I don't know who deserves condemnation. There are such things as evil actions and evil people, but how closely are they related, which is the cause and which is the effect?

Do bad people end up bullying — it's hard to imagine the people who were once Drew's friends always being bad — or does bullying make a person bad? I ponder these questions only because at least once a day, Brittany's single, glimmering tear flashes behind my eyelids. That only blurs the lines between good and bad which, especially so deep into the Revolution, is dangerous.

I drop my head to avoid Terrence's gaze, looking around for any other empty seat. I don't care who ends up being my partner, though it'll undoubtedly be awkward. Since Home Ec. is relatively practical, I've not made conversation with most of the other students in the class, and my reward is a dearth of close acquaintances to partner up with.

Turns out, Mrs. Fern has other plans for me.

"Sophie, please partner up with Terrence. Today's sewing task is a two-person job unless you want to stay through your lunch period."

Terrence, for once, listened to me.

At least, that is what it outwardly seems like as we begin the process of sewing two laptop covers together. 

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