[ entree ] Kale + Spicy Peanut Sauce

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I LOVE peanut butter. It's absolutely crack to me. So when I'm craving veggies-- okay, when I'm craving ANYTHING, let's be real here--  I almost always ask myself, can I put peanut butter in it?!

Kale is probably the most hyped up superfood right now, but it's not really seen often in Asian cooking, so I wanted to try out something different for dinner today. This dish is Thai-inspired... ish. I feel foolish calling it Thai inspired just because it's spicy and peanut buttery, so let's just stick with Kale and Spicy Peanut Sauce, mkay?

This recipe is super easy. I whipped it up in around ~10 minutes.

Ingredients (serves 1 as a meal, 4 as a side dish):

> 1 lb of kale (I use Nature Green's Kale Greens)

> 4 tablespoons of mylk (I use unsweetened almond milk, but you can substitute for any mylk or just use water)

> 2 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter (I use crunchy salted peanut butter with flax + chia seeds from Trader Joe's)

> 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce or tamari (I use Kikkoman's. If vegan, please be careful when buying cheaper soy sauces because companies find ways to sneak sugar as a cheap filler, which makes it potentially nonvegan. Sneaky, right??)

> 1-2 table spoons of chili sauce (I use Lao Gan Ma's Black Bean Chili Sauce because it's just the right blend of spicy and fragrant. It also has a wonderful burst of saltiness from the beans. You can use any chili sauce)

> Plenty of garlic powder for sprinkling


Sautee kale in a little bit of water on medium heat to slowly wilt them. Be careful not to overcook (as I slightly did) because it develops a more bitter flavor. You will know it's overcooked if the leaves start turning a sad yellow color like mine did, haha.

Mix all of the other ingredients (except garlic powder) together. Add a little bit more water or mylk if the consistency is too thick for your liking. Take the kale off heat and mix together with peanut mixture and sprinkle generously with garlic powder. That's it! Enjoy!

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