[ entree ] Asian Noodles in Creamy Peanut Sauce

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You know what I love? Amy's Kitchen frozen dinners. They're soooOOOooo good. But they're expensive as hell. I think the cheapest I've ever seen them was like $3.50/ box and the most expensive being a whopping $7. LIKE WHAT?! It's madness. One of my favorite dishes from them is called Chinese Noodles and Stir Fry in Cashew Cream Sauce. It's amazing, so I wanted to recreate it with my own delicious, cheap twist. I'm going to use peanut butter because a) I like peanut butter more b) cashew cream is hella expensive and I can't afford it lol :'( This recipe is incredibly versatile. Don't like broccoli? Swap them out for bell peppers. Don't like tofu? Add shiitake mushrooms instead. The possibilities are ENDLESS! :D

Ingredients (makes 3-4 servings):


> 1-2 cups of broccoli, cut into small florets

> 4-5 small carrots, peeled and julienned

> 3-4 small onions, sliced into squares

> 1 cup edamame (I use frozen)

> 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced

> knob of ginger, minced

> 1/2 container of extra-firm tofu, pressed and patted dry


> 2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari

> Sriracha sauce (Huy Fong brand ftw)

> 3 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter (or cashew if you want to be ~fancy~)

> splash of mylk to water down the sauce. I use unsweetened almond mylk

> salt and pepper to taste

> a spoonful date paste (optional, for sweetness)


> Frozen udon or similar variety noodles. You can find frozen noodles in freezer section at any Asian supermarket. You can also use spaghetti pasta, but the texture will be a little off. Also, I like frozen noodles since they took in 3 minutes time, compared to dry pasta's 8-9 min.


In a large wok, add oil of choice (I use grape seed) to cover bottom of wok. Put in pressed & dried tofu and brown for ~5 minutes over HIGH heat. Be extra careful when putting in tofu because it may still have some moisture, causing the oil to bubble and splash back. I use a splatter screen because omg oil bubbles. Flip tofu pieces occasionally so they can be evenly browned on all sides.

Meanwhile, in a pot, boil water and cook frozen or dry noodles according to the package's instructions. Drain and set aside.

Add garlic, ginger, any frozen veggies, carrots, and some water to the wok (just enough to cover bottom) and stir for about 2-3 minutes. Then add your broccoli and onions (these take less time to cook). Cook for about 6-7 more minutes. Then, reduce your heat to LOW.

Combine the ingredients for the sauce and drizzle over veggies. Mix thoroughly and adjust for salt and pepper seasoning.

Transfer noodles to bowls. Take a generous amount of veggies and put over noodles. You can also put some toasted sesame seeds on of this if you want to be fancy. Otherwise, enjoy!

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