Chapter 4: 1 September, 1993

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Between stories from Dad and Cedric, I knew exactly what was going to happen. However I never expected the rush from the moment I crossed the barrier onto Platform 9 3/4. The beautiful crimson red locomotive sat on the train tracks. I stood there staring at it with my mouth hanging open.

"Isn't it-"

"The most beautiful-"

"Thing I've ever seen? Yea." I interrupted the two red headed twins behind me with a smirk. Immediately I saw differences between the two. One has a smaller, rounder face and the other a straighter, longer one with a mole on the side of his neck.

"I'm George. He's Fred" The one with the mole said.

"My name is Lily." Suddenly the train whistle blew. George grabbed my trunk and Anthea's cage. Fred grabbed my hand, and we all rushed onto the train.

"We'd be honored-" George started.

"If you'd join us." Fred finished, as they both smiled at me.

"I have no idea where Ced is..... So sure." They smiled even bigger if that was even possible. Once we reached a compartment, I stroked Athenas beak and told her to take a nap. And Fred helped me to put my trunk up on the rack.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. So are you a transfer?" He asked as we all settled down.

"Yea. My Dad was home schooling me. But he is the new DADA teacher. So Dumbledore allowed me to come also."

"What year are you going into?" George asked.


"We're in fifth year too." Fred said.

"Yea. OWLs this year. Should be interesting." George replied with a grimmace.

"I'm not sure about you too, but I'll be fine. My Dad has been preparing me for this."

"Anything from the trolly dears?"

"Two chocolate frogs, please." I said as I walked over to her. I gave her the two sickles and she passed me the frogs. The boys bought a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and a couple of liquorice wands. I ate my first chocolate frog, and looked at my card, Merlin. I already have three of him. I slipped my card and my other frog into my pocket.

The boys and I talked about all of our interests. They've told me some of their pranks, they are absolutely hilarious! This caretaker at Hogwarts, Flich, he seems like he has it coming.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the train jolted to a stop. I felt cold, alone, and sad. Only one reason for that.

I stood up and slowly opened the compartment door. As soon as the hooded terrifying creature glided towards me, I shouted "Expecto Patronum!" My tiger shot out of the end of my wand and chased off any dementors it could find.

"What the bloody hell was that?" The twins asked at the same time.

"A dementor. I need to go see my Dad." I breathed out. I checked on my Dad, and got some chocolate off of him. Once back in the compartment with the twins I decided to nap until we got close to Hogwarts. Once there I changed and hopped off the train next to Fred and George.

"Lils!" I heard Cedric shouting for me over all the noise. Cedric picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey Ced." I said with a smile. Fred and George took all of our luggage and Athena over with the rest of the students things.

"Hello there-" said George

"Pretty boy Cedric." Fred finished venomously.

"I see you've already made friends. Just as I knew you would." Cedric said with a smile and a poke on my nose. I wiggled my nose and put my hands up wiping it off. Just as he knew I would.

"Some things never change." He smirked and made a move to poke my nose again. However, before he could I turned into Fred's chest.

"No. Bad Ced." I said with a forced pout. Fred wrapped a protective arm around me.

"Firs' years! Firs' years this way please!" An enormous man shouted.

"You need to go with Hagrid, Li." Fred smiled encouragingly.

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