Chapter 26: Emotions Running High

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**Fred's POV**

Lily just sat in shock, staring at Cedric's lifeless body in his coffin. He could be sleeping, if we didn't know any better.

She looks beautiful, even now. She is wearing a beautiful black dress with lace hem, black stiletto high heels, and a small yellow bracelet. She has a veil covering her face, and a black lace umbrella protecting her delicate skin from the sun.

Her hand lays limp in mine. I don't think she is even listening to anything going on.

When it is time to leave I lift her off of the chair. She aimlessly walks to the Diggory's and gives each of them a hug.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I politely say to them both as I guide Lily away. I apparate us both back to Grimmauld Place.


**Lily POV**

Everbody was at Sirius' house for protection. With Voldemort being back we need to be together. That's why Mad-Eye is going to get Harry tonight with some of the other members of the order.

I'm in the sitting room, sipping on my tea, waiting. With my red rimmed, puffy eyes. I've started sleeping with Fred and George again, it's the only way I can get any sleep. It's sad really.

Suddenly, I rush to the bathroom, and empty the contents of my stomach into the toliet. I brush my teeth and walk back out to my tea.

Mrs. Weasley is eyeing me suspiciously. I pretend like I don't see her, just like I pretend to myself I don't know why I keep vomiting. She sits down across from me and grabs my hands.

"How long?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, feigning ignorance. Alot of pretending going on this summer.

She gives me the look that says, you know exactly what.

I sigh, "two weeks."

Mrs. Weasley sucks in a breath, bracing herself for the next question.

"When?" She asks carefully.

"The...uh...night before..." I mumble and let the statement fall.

"Oh dearie!" Suddenly, she is holding me close, as I am crying into her chest.

Once I've calmed down she sends me up to mine and the twin's room. The meeting is starting shortly.

Harry and Mirabelle show up, Harry proceeds to yell at us for him being stuck at his Aunt and Uncle's place. I break down into tears, running from the room. I lock myself in the bathroom, throw up, and brush my teeth once again.

Once back in my room, I stand in front of the mirror and pull my shirt up.

I place my hands on my flat stomach, as I mutter, "It's just you and I, baby Roo."

I hear Mrs. Weasley shout up the stairs about dinner. I shout back down that I'm not hungry. Mrs. Weasley, therefore proceeds to come upstairs, make me feel guilty about the baby, and drag me down herself.

This is going to be a long nine months.

I eat a little, not much. Harry tries to apologize but I just brush him off.

After dinner I pull dad into a room with Mrs. Weasley, as we explain that I'm pregnant. Mrs. Weasley offers to take me to the doctor, which I greatfully accept.

"Well you won't be able to go back to Hogwarts either." Mrs. Weasley says with a frown.

"And you're so busy with the order, Remus. I can homeschool her, if you're both okay with that."

I look at dad, as he nods his head.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. That'd be great."

The next morning we go to the doctor's office. They give me prenatals and a dietary list, which Mrs. Weasley plans to follow religiously.


"Fred, George, can I speak to you two in our room?" I ask them quietly once I get home. They nod their heads and follow me up the stairs.

"So. You see, I asked you up here because... Dammit this is hard. I don't know how else to say it, so I'm just going to say it." The twins exchange a worried look as I take a deep breath.

"I....I'm pregnant." Their mouths drop. We were silent for a long time.



"Pregnant?" Fred finished the last as if I hadn't spoken english.

I nodded and they tackled me into a hug.

"We will always be here for you. No matter what."

"I love you guys."

"We love you too." They chorused.

"Now, to tell everybody else." I said with a grimace as we walked downstairs.

Once dinner was finished, I stood up.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" The twins grabbed one of my hands each.

"So um.. Just wanted everyone to know.. I'm....pregnant. That's it." And I sat back down. However, the talking didn't restart, they all just stared.

"When?" Ron asked bluntly.

I looked to Mrs. Weasley as the tears welled in my eyes.

"The night before the final task." She said as she stood and started gathering plates.

That was the end of that conversation.




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