Chapter 17: The Quidditch World Cup

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**July 19**

I stumbled out of the fire place into the Dursley's living room, following behind Mr. Weasley. I recieve weird looks from the Dursley's as I go up to Harry and hug him tight.

"Wotcher, Harry, Mira?"

"LILS!" Mirabelle shouts as she tackles me in a hug.

"It's really good to see you, Lily." Harry says with a genuine smile. I realize the Dursley's are still staring, each with a different look in their eye. The man looks on with disgust, the woman with a mix of recognition and like she wants to ask a question, the boy looks my body up and down.

"Problem?" I raise an eyebrow at them and the adults look away. The chubby boy, I know to be Dudley, from Harry's description, continues to salivate with his mouth hanging open.

"Disgusting." I mutter as the twins fall out of the fireplace. I help them up as a bag of Ton-Tongue Toffees falls out of Fred's pocket. He picks up all but one, then they go upstairs to retrieve Harry's trunk. Fred and George go back to the Burrow and I follow along with Mirabelle.

Mr. Weasley and Harry spend a short while longer at the Dursley's. I am introduced to the two oldest Weasley brothers, Bill and Charlie, when Mr. Weasley comes back through the floo.

Mr. Weasley starts yelling at the twins for deliberately dropping a ton-tongue toffee; which, lets be honest, they did. Harry enters shortly thereafter, and I introduce him to Bill and Charlie.

Harry, Ron, Mirabelle, and Hermione go up to Ron's room and I go to the twins room. As soon as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stop yelling at the twins, I rejoin them in the kitchen.

Due to the amount of people this evening, I help Mrs. Weasley take all the food, plates, and utensils outside.

"Hogwarts is going to have loads of fun next year." Percy states.

"What do you mean? What's going on next year?" All of us still attending Hogwarts start shouting, falling right for it.

"Well it's top secret. I can't actually tell any of you." We all groan.

"Then why bring it up at all, Perce?!" Alithia, Percy's twin sister asks him. I occasionally saw her around Hogwarts, but not much.

"I told you not to call me that, Thia!"

"As if that would stop me?"

"Pompous bastard!" I grumble under my breath as the talking starts up again.


The next morning, Mrs. Weasley enters the room far to early. I hear her cooing over something as I crack my eyes open. I have my head on Fred's chest with his arm wrapped around my body. George's head is on my stomach with his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Mrs. Weasley?" I croak out.

"Awe. I hate to break this up, but it's time to get up. You all have a big day ahead of you."

I shake George, and he falls off of the bed. Then I unwrap myself from Fred and shake him awake as well.

I crawl out of the bedroom and enter our bathroom. I quickly shower and get dressed in my Gryffindor quidditch sweater, yoga pants, and my galaxy converse.

I put on glittery, green eyeshadow and a green four leaf clover on my cheek. Then I add my silver four leaf clover earrings and necklace. Finally I pull my hair into a messy bun, my standard hair style recently.

Pleased with how I look, I go down to the kitchen.

"Here, dearie. Eat up before the boys get down here." Mrs. Weasley smiles, handing me a plate.

Hogwarts At Last - Familia Primum: Book TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora