Chapter 9: Oh, Sofia!

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My legs were spread out on the bed, whereas my hands clutched the coffee mug tightly. I was explaining my encounter with Samuel, to both Valerie and Ivanna. They both sat on either end of the couch, located to the right of my bed, devouring their own coffees. Their addiction to caffeine was levelling up hanging with me. 

"So you mean, you will take a revenge now?" Valery asked.

I nodded, mumbling a soft, "Yes."

"And what exactly would that be?" Ivanna spoke, taking a sip from her coffee.

"I don't know." I shrug. "I just know that, whatever the cost is, I should take revenge on them. Not because what they did to me, but because they should know the true value of a person and realise how betrayal is like."

"Oh, Sofia, we know you would never take revenge on a person, this is just 'Giving a realisation attack.'"

"Realisation attack?" I and Valery yelled in unison.

Ivanna shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah. You know it is exactly not a revenge plan, is it? They need to realise their mistakes of life. Isn't it?"

I shook my head chuckling. "Only you, Ivanna."

"I know," she said, plastering a sheepish grin on her face.

"Putting all this aside, what exactly are we plotting in order for them to realise?" Valery said.

I and Ivanna exchanged glances with a blank expressions whilst I took sips of coffee.

"I guess, Ivanna should make a plan," I said.

Ivanna's eyes went wide. "What? Why me?"

"Because you have a wicked brain," Valery replied with a grin.

Ivanna mumbled some words under her breath before saying, "I don't have any wicked strategies, okay?"

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "And Ethan is a good boy."

"Well, that he is." Ivanna nodded her head agreeing.

"Huh... common! Are you taking his side now? Who said he is too mischievous for a four-year-old in the morning?" I made an incredulous expression. She turns her side, wherever the sun shines brightly.

"My twin sister." She shrugged in nonchalance.

"See....She can be a good actor too. We have a potential person who will take a big role in the plan," Valery said, tapping her chin with her index finger, her features adjusting in an intellectual expession.

"Oh, common! You can't take decisions about me without my concent."

"Oh yes, we can." I and Valery bobbled up in laughter while Ivanna just scowled sipping coffee at an irregular speed.

"Valery, you did not still say anything about Alejandro," Ivanna spoke up breaking our laughter whereas Valery's posture changed from being free to stiff like a stick.

 How can I forget such an important matter?

"Don't hesitate to let out okay? If you are not ready yet, we will wait to hear about it," Ivanna softly said, placing her right hand on Valery's  shoulder in an attempt to calm her trembling lip and cease her fidgeting fingers.

"Yes, Valery. Ivanna is right. Take your own time and let out."

 What conversation did they have? I thought Alejandro had same feelings for Valery when he reciprocated the kiss back on that day. If that robot of a bodyguard messes this up, I swear to Magnum that he will pay, from me.

"No." Valery shook her head. "I need to let this out of my system. If I keep secrets, I will become fat because of their weight, and we know I like to stay thin." A chuckle left her lips at the end of the statement.

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