Chapter 21:

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"So, did you enjoy?" Sein asked, gearing the car in reverse direction.

"I did," I replied gruffly like my dog just died.

"What happened to you?" he asked, his tone suspicious.

I brushed off the topic and said, "How was your day?" Even a mean bitch's voice couldn't overtake mine. I sounded off, definitely not like me.

"Well someone has got their panties in a twist, but, truth to be told, minus the part with Samuel, everything was awesome!" He sounded very happy, like never had I witnessed before. What made him so happy? Definitely the girl back in cafe.

He constantly made conversations with her without batting an eye, their hands brushed many times, much to my dismay and the woman couldn't tie her hands to her self. At one point, when I yelled his name, he did not acknowledge my words and devoted his concentration to the woman totally. I had to storm there and drag him to listen to me. All the way my blood boiled but I just feigned a smile at them, not to cause any suspicions about my behavior.



"Do you like her?" I asked slowly, in a whisper, so that Ethan wouldn't wake up who was sound asleep in the back seat. It was 8, his bed time already.

"The girl back in cafe?" I asked when his features twisted. He was pointing out who.

"Oh her?" I nodded.

"I guess so, why?" he asked cautiously.

"I am just happy for you." I shrugged nonchalantly and turn towards the window biting my lip hard. I did not want him to be with her. Maybe, I was just being paranoid.

And what about today? The way Samuel reacted was just unacceptable and inappropriate. The ounce of respect he had had, for his hard work, in my heart vanished in the cold november air. My heart tugged a little at the memory of our fight today. The man changed drastically in the course of five years. What exactly happened to him? Or maybe, he changed his behavior when I met him.

I just hoped for a change in his views and behavior. People would grow distaste towards him if he continued like this.

"What are you thinking so much about?" Sein asked. I definitely could not straight answer him, saying Samuel.

"The girl, how is she like?"

He gave a small smile to himself and his eye twinkled in darkness. My heart flipped a little but I brushed that feeling off. "She is definitely the most beautiful girl I've come across. But, she definitely is the most beautiful to my heart. I never get bored of her conversation. Even is she is silent, I can consume in the silence and stare at her all day." The smile didn't vanish even after a minute and I wanted to thrash his face with my clutch. 

God, that woman couldn't even keep silent for more than thirty seconds, then when did he watch her silent frame. In his dreams, perhaps. Now she was already invading his dreams, too?

Okay, stop right there Sofia. Why the hell was I questioning these meaningless sentences to myself. Maybe because he never had ignored me before and he totally pissed me off by not paying enough attention to me in the cafe?

Nevertheless, I tried hard to push those thoughts away but could stop doing so.

"Tell more about her."

"Why?" he asked confused as to why was I acting like that. But I could care less.

"Just say," I snapped at him.

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