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This is my first time on wattpadd. I've been writing and publishing online for years. Thought I would share this with you. Sorry if some of the chapters are long and uneventful. They will get better in the next. :D I just want to highlight how hurt Astrid has been, as it always is if you are betrayed by the people you love the most.


ENTOURAGE:  A group of people surrounding an important person or persons… like the bride and groom in a wedding.  Your entourage normally includes your closest friends… your support network (whether the wedding happened or not).

I met up with my friends.  I could tell that they were all getting bored with me.  I whined about the usual things.  Like how I had known Bryan since I was in college and we had been friends first before we dated and how I’ve known Geena since we were little and never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that she would betray me like she did.

Dannie Jones, my gay best friend, became the most impatient.  He had listened to me enough, I guess.

John Green, my guy best friend, was the angriest at Bryan for what he did to me.

Nicole was the most sympathetic for my feelings.

“I wonder how he is now.”  I asked.

“Oh, for crying out loud!”  Dannie muttered.  “Ash, please!  Don’t do this!  You’re beautiful, you’re smart!  You have your whole life ahead of you!”

“No, I don’t!  I’ll be thirty in a few months!”

“You’ll be thirty in twenty-three months!”  John muttered.  “That’s plenty of time to score a guy who is a lot better than Bryan!” 

“But we’ve been together for two years!  Do you know how much work that took?”

“A lot!  Particularly since you have been withholding sex!”  Dannie said brutally.

“But what is wrong with… no sex before marriage?”

“Nothing!  Only that you open him up to readily available sluts within a mile proximity.”  John said.

“Look, Ash, if he couldn’t wait, then he isn’t the guy!”  Nicole said.  “And if he really did love you, he wouldn’t have the nerve to sleep with Geena.  If he had an inch of decency in his body, he would have remembered that Geena is your cousin!” 

“Relationships are not important to a horny guy.”  John butted in.

“Apparently!”  I rolled my eyes. 

“So, now what are you going to do with your life?”

I shrugged.  “Drink it away?”  I asked sarcastically and took another gulp of my beer.

“Look at you, Ash!  How can a gorgeous girl, who’s sweet and smart waste her life for a loser like Bryan?  I mean, no offense, but he’s not nearly that hot!”  Dannie said in a frustrated voice.

“And he’s short.  What is he?  Like five feet tall?”  John chuckled.

“Hey!  He’s five feet six!”  I said defensively.  “And his chocolate eyes are dreamy.”

“His eyes are brown!  As plain as brown could be!”  Dannie argued.

“I just… couldn’t think of a reason for him to do that to me!”  I heaved another frustrated sigh.

Knight in Shining Suit (formerly) Knight in Shining Armani (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now