9. Honeymoon

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Honeymoon.  A passionate period following a new-found love or relationship. 

A period of harmony.

It was Bryan’s and Geena’s first month anniversary.  I know not because I was keeping tabs.  Or because I received an invitation for another celebration.  I doubt they’ll be inviting me to any special occasions in their lives anymore.  And somehow, I couldn’t care less.  I know it’s their first month anniversary because that’s how long I have been smiling for real.  That’s how long I have thought about Bryan and Geena and not end up whining or crying my heart out.

I have successfully stopped myself from thinking about Bryan and the what ifs and what could have beens.  I know things happen for a reason and someday, I will be thankful that they did.

I was beginning to smile more… and for real.  Especially when I look at the ring on my finger and remember that I made one wonderful guy a promise… that I would allow myself to be healed.  That I will believe in ‘ever afters’ once again.

Whenever my mother calls, she asks about Ryder.  I had to indulge her with make-up stories.  And then when she makes an attempt to see the two of us together, I say that Ryder is quite busy with a new bar that he’s putting up and he may not be available at the time she wanted to see us.  It always seems to work… so far.

I didn’t see Ryder again.  But I know I wanted to.  I was hanging out at Oil Rig with my friends, always on the lookout for him.

“He really got under your skin, didn’t he?”  John asked me once.

“No.  I just wanted to see him and ask him how he is.”  I lied.  In truth, I think Ryder really did get under my skin that night I got under the sheets with him.  Well, of course, who forgets their first?  Maybe the types of Geena do, but I’m nothing like her.  I had a momentary lapse of moral values, I gave in to one night of wonderful passion with my knight in shining Armani.  How is that easy to forget?

“Why don’t you call him then?”  He asked.

I glared at him.  But I know I did try to call him.  Once a day, I would stare at his number on my phone, make up a conversation in my head, start by asking if he’s on duty at Oil Rig tonight and then conveniently plan a night out there with my friends so I can run into him.  But I always chicken out.  And so far, once a week, I have been with my friends at Oil Rig, and he wasn’t there that it made me wonder if he still works there.  But I was too afraid to ask his fellow bartenders.

“I can’t believe he refused to accept the ten grand.”  Dannie said.  “He could use it.”

I sighed and didn’t answer.  I wonder the same thing too.

“Unless, you slept with him and he felt guilty about taking the money.”  Somehow, that comment irritated me so much that I wanted to slap Dannie across the face.  But I prevented myself from doing so.  Because I know that the reason why I was so irritated was because there is truth in what he said.  I thought that too.  Maybe he didn’t take the money because he already took so much from me.

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