Get Somewhere in the Middle For Free

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Hello guys,

I know you have not heard from me lately! I have been so busy with work and more work! Having a full time job and putting up a business is not a joke! Add to that, I am editing, writing, and doing fulltime Mom and Wife duties! Whew!

I have also been very busy editing All the Wrong Reasons. It will be published, hopefully by December! So, yep! If you have not read it yet, I suggest you do that now as it will soon be reduced to a sample from here.

Knight in Shining Suit is doing so well and I thank all of you who helped me out for this one! The only thing I really need for this one, are your reviews! The more reviews it gets, the better chances it has of being seen by the others.

I know a lot of you have helped me out in reviewing this already, but for those who haven't, I would like to ask you to write a review on the sites where you purchased it from, or even if you haven't purchased it yet, but have read it before on Wattpad and you could get access to review on the following sites:




4) Itunes

I know that the published version still have some errors in grammar. I had a couple of people edit this and I have read it about a thousand times, but still a couple of errors still managed to slip through. But if you could look past that and just review the story itself, i would be very thankful.

Well, I know you have supported me all throughout from the beginning. And I know some of you hated me for removing KISS from Wattpad, but I hope you understand that I needed to do that. Publishing the book gives me copyright protection as well.

Thank you is NOT enough in exchange for your precious reviews. So as a thank you note, I will give you an epub copy of "Somewhere in the Middle". This story will not be posted on Wattpad, at least not this year or next.

If you can rate and review KISS on any of the sites that you purchased it from, email me at:

and I will give you an epub version of SITM as a token of thanks!

And finally, it will be my birthday soon! My birthday gift to myself is to have a KISS montage on my wall. So last call to those who got the book and would like to do me the favor of sending me a picture of the book on your phones, tablets or PC or the actual physical book itself. Please email the picture to me, with your name and city so I can include you in my picture collage and be on my wall forever! :D

Thank you very much for your love and support!


Knight in Shining Suit (formerly) Knight in Shining Armani (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now