dear diary, life hates me

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Dear Diary,

I've been told by many people that things won't get better if I don't try to make them better. Do they think I care? Do they know that I know that they don't care? People are so worried about living this ideal life where nothing goes wrong. I don't get it. The people that are realistic, that see life for what it is, they're labeled as mentally unstable. 

Maybe, if people opened their eyes to the harsh realities we live, we'd be kinder to each other and we'd be able to help each other out. We'd be able to recognize someone who is dead from someone is who is living. We'd be able to remember those who died and create memories with those who live. We'd be able to go home to our families even though it's harder than losing yourself in your work because you feel like you have no other way out of the sadness that consumes you.  We'd be able to walk through places that we hold dear to our hearts and not see someone who lost the war but see someone who fought. We'd be able to be people who make mistakes and not robots who don't know how to live. We'd be able to mourn and be sad with out being called an emo freak and we'd be able to to walk around thinking that we're good enough even though we may never be. 

Maybe one day.


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