dear diary, the introduction

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Dear Diary,

I've realized how rude I've been. I haven't even introduced myself. So here goes nothing.

 I'm Randy, and you are? Ha. Just kidding. Wooh, I hate myself. I'm going to pretend like you're an actual person for today. Just for this entry and I'm going to just "talk" to you like you're real. I kind of need to communicate with someone who's alive and since the only people I used to talk to are either dead or have completely vanished,  I'll just have to settle for you. Sorry, that was harsh. Anyways, I'm Randy and I'm 16. I like long walks on the beach and I'm a dog person. 

That's me trying to make a joke.

I'm not very funny.

I like the color blue. Any shade of blue is really nice but I like an ocean blue. I think that's the prettiest blue there is. If I die I hope I'm reborn as a wave, that sounds stupid but think about it. To be relaxing and dangerous. I'd basically be myself but in something that has no control. So yeah, me. I am a wave. I've just realized how similar people are to the ocean. 

Before everything went down I used to go on these late night jogs. It's more of a summer thing. That's not the point. The point is, it's really relaxing and if you're looking for an easy exercise that's what I reccomend. Despite the fact that I love running and I have amazing endurance(-; I hate sports. Kill me, laugh with me, whatever. I don't like them and that's that.  

I'm not really a people person or a family person. My family is currently not even a family, one of the many things I've ruined in my life time.Woops. ha.

The one and only,


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