Chapter 4: What To Do

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(Deacon up top. And I just have one thing to say...DDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNN. This guy is probably the hottest guy ever lmao)

My life is going great...not.

But in honor of passing all my finals today and passing all my classes, especially anatomy lol, I have decided to update!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywhore. Enough with my boring life, let's get on with the chapter lol.



"This entire thing is messed up." Zylen said as he paced along the length of my office.

"Ya think." I said as I placed my forehead in the palm of my hands.

"I can't be mates with him!" Colby yelled. "Like no! They are all cruel and awful people."

"And did he honestly expect me to jump into his arms?" I asked myself with a humorless laugh. "He tried to burn my pack down. I am not being mates with him."

"What should we do?" Zylen asked as she looked over at me and Colby.

I sighed. "I want to reject him."

"We should." Colby spoke up. "Did you see the way they treated us."

"Thinking they can take my land." I growled.

"And don't forget Gabriel acted like he was all that." Zylen said as she rolled her eyes.

"And he yelled at you." I said.

"Ya! The nerve of some people." Zylen said.

"Mine just gave me a creepy look." Colby said. "But he was still in on the whole taking over this pack thing. And that is not okay."

"I really want to reject him..." I said as my voice trailed off.

"But?" Zylen asked.

"I don't know. It's this fucking mate pull!" I growled as I punched the wall. "I need to take a walk."

Zylen and Colby both knew what that meant.

They nodded and let me walk by them.

"Luna?" Wes asked as he and Mike saw my look.

"I'm going for a walk. Get the patrol tight. I don't want anything coming in or out of my territory." I said sternly as I walked passed them.

"Yes alpha." They said quickly.

I growled as I ripped the door open and slammed it shut.

Everything was going so fucking well.

Then Deacon had to fuck everything up.

'Maybe if he wasn't a killer.' Ava growled.

'Men fuck everything up. I was so much better on my own.' I said as I made my way to the woods.

'You're right. We were doing so well. Being a boss alpha without any distractions.' Ava agreed.

I continued to talk to Ava until I came up to the pack cemetery.

I sighed and slowly opened up the old iron gates.

I sniffled as I passed the graves of the pack members that we had lost that awful day.

My parents' graves were in the very back underneath a large willow tree.

My dad had planted it because willow trees were my mother's favorite. She had him plant more around the territory. So I saw it fitting that they were to be buried under the tree.

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