Chapter 5: Saving Deacon

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(Sexy Gabriel up top!)

How is the book so far???

Okay. I really have to say this...I love Ace's sassy attitude XD

Damn ahah. It's so funny!

On to more serious problems....what the fuck is up with Donald Trump.

If the fucking national symbol of the United States attacks Trump, IT'S A SIGN TO NOT VOTE FOR HIS WORTHLESS ASS.

And for him to make fun of a reporter with a disability?? That's low.

I have a disabled cousin so that actually hurts.

And for him to make people wear I.D. tags? He's just like fucking Hitler. Seriously! We are all human. That is not how God wants us to treat each other!

This guy is a joke and please don't vote for him. Spread this on!

If he wins, I'm moving to Mars.


I'm going to bed since I have to get up at 5 for work tomorrow morning. Gotta love having a desk job and answering phone calls all day haha!

Anywhore. On with the chappie!



"What do you have to talk to Deacon about?" Gabriel asked as we continued to walk.

Damn. Nosy little fucker.

"None of your business. It's between me and Deacon." I said as I moved a branch out of my face.

"You know what I realized." Gabriel said as he looked at Zane.

Oh good Lord. Do I even want to know?

"What's that man?" Zane asked.

No one cares.

"Not once has Ace referred Deacon as her mate." Gabriel said as he gave me a pointed look.

My steps faltered a little when he mentioned that but I kept walking.

Well shit. He might be a nosy little fucker but he's observant.

"You're right." Zane said as he gave me the same pointed look. "Not once have I heard her say it."

"Weird, huh?" Gabriel said as he gave me a smug smile.

"It is." Zane agreed nodding.

'I hate them.' I said through the link.

'Don't worry. Once we find Deacon we can end this quickly.' Zylen said as she watched Gabriel out of the corner of her eye.

'You're making it sound like we are gonna kill them.' Colby laughed as Zylen winked.

"Why is that Ace?" Gabriel asked as he stopped walking.

Zane stepped in front of me, which caused me come to a complete stop.

I growled slightly, but he held his ground.

"Why is what?" I asked trying to keep my anger in control.

"Why have you not referred to Deacon as your mate?" Zane asked.

"You want to know why?" I asked getting in his face.

"Please enlighten me." Gabriel said lowly as he narrowed his eyes at me.

Screw it. Anger is coming out.

"Because Deacon is a cruel person. That's why." I spat. "He thought that I would welcome him with open arms when were found out we were each other's mates. But you know what? I will not do that. Because he thought he could kill me and take over my pack!"

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