Chapter 18: The Wrong Alpha

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Oh my fucking gosh. Rant moment.

Yanno how they make nail glue so when you paint your nails the polish doesn't get on your nails?? Ya well mine decided to take a shit on me. So now I have nail polish ALL over my fingers and I am so mad...ugh..

Why? Why me God? I've been a good person...well most of the time. But still!!!

But let's have a laughing moment and appreciate this picture up above. Because in all honesty, that's what I want to say when people tell me that haha.

Anywhore, let's get on with my drugged up story. (Don't worry, they are prescribed because I'm a mess lolol I hate my life)



I groaned as I rubbed my head.

Why am I in so much pain?

I opened my eyes and saw that I was wearing gloves with silver handcuffs on them.

I growled. This better be a sexy kink that Ace has.

But as I looked around the room, or should I say cell, I knew that I was so wrong.

"Where the hell am I?" I said to myself as I stood up.

"Well I'm glad you asked." I heard a voice laugh.

I immediately turned my head to the right and saw the person I hated the most.


I growled and walked towards the silver bars.

"Aww." Lawson cooed. "Is the little alpha angry?"

I growled. I so wanted to rip his head off right now.

"Why am I here?" I asked instead of saying some sort of remark.

"The attack on Ace's pack was a distraction." Lawson simply stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

Was it so he could capture me?

"It was a kidnap mission. But those fucking idiots kidnapped the wrong alpha." He growled and he pointed his thumb at the two rogues standing next to him.

"I said I was sorry!" The rogue whined.

Lawson growled. "You had one fucking job and you screwed it up. So shut up!"

The rogue whimpered and stepped back a little bit.

Well damn. Sorry I'm not good enough.

Okay Deacon, it's not the time to be making jokes.

"And don't even think about mindlinking your pack. My pack doc injected you with wolfsbane. Even enough so you can't talk to your precious little wolf."

"If I wasn't behind bars, your head wouldn't be attached to your body. Or you limbs."

"Ooh. I'm so scared." He said in fake terror as he held his hands up. "Doesn't matter anyway."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

The smirk he gave me made my heart drop.

"Because by now Ace knows you're missing." Lawson laughed.

Oh no. Please no.

"And she'll come right to me." Lawson smirked.

I let out a ferocious growl that even made Lawson and the other rogues in the cellar flinch.

"You fucking touch one hair on her little head and I will kill you." I snarled. "And that's a promise."

Lawson gave me a dark chuckle. "How are you gonna do that when you are stuck in a silver cell?"

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