Chapter 19: Damsel In Distress

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Hello my fellow fans. I'm currently sitting in bed listening to music and curled up with my mermaid blanket that my oh so lovely best friend got me. No but like seriously. If you don't have one, GO GET ONE. IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD!

So Zeus' bday is November 1st and I'm getting him a puppy cake. He's gonna 8 and I'm crying. He's getting too old. But I'll be sure to post pics on insta for you guys :)

Anywhore. On with this story that this amazing and talented writer wrote...don't mean to toot my own horn buuuutttttt.. ;) just kidding guys!

I wrote that ^ when I wrote this chapter, but right now I'm working 3rd shift with my best friend and I'm hyper af lmao.


Hope you love the chapter!



'Damn.' Zylen growled as she got off the dead rogue. 'Why is this place so guarded?'

'Probably because he's keeping one of the most strongest alphas in the country dumbass.' Colby replied sarcastically.

'Yanno. Sometimes your sarcasm really hurts.'

'Children!' I snapped as they both bowed their heads. 'Can we please stick to the real mission here?'

'Right.' They both responded.

I nodded my head to the right, got lower to the ground, and softly crept closer the their little hideout.

I mean seriously guys. Right in the middle of a giant open space in the forest? Even rogues should know better than that.

'Ace.' Zylen said through the link.

'What's up?' I asked as I turned my head to look at her.

'Rogue. Two oclock.' She mentioned.

I looked over and he was completely oblivious to the amount of wolves I have that are ready to attack.

'What a fucking idiot.' Ava laughed.

'Ooh can I get this one?' Colby begged. 'Please please please.'

I sighed. 'Have at it.'

'Hell ya motherfucka!' She yelled right before she jumped from the tall grass and took out the guy without a sound being heard.

She's gotten better. A lot better actually.

'Alpha.' Lincoln linked me.

'What is it?' I asked as Colby snuck her way back over to where we were.

'The ambush team is ready alpha.'

I smirked. Perfect.

'Good. Stay there until I give you a signal. I'll have someone create a commotion and you guys will jump in. They are keeping Deacon in the cellar and I have a clear view of it.'

'Same here alpha. We see the two guards standing by the doors.' Lincoln replied.

'Anyone else? Inside?' I asked.

'Yes alpha. There's a couple but it's too dark to see anymore of the inside.' Lincoln confirmed.

I looked over at the three trees my ambush team was silenting waiting in human form.

I gave them a nod. 'Ready?'

Lincoln nodded back. 'We're ready alpha.'

'Good. Because it's about to start.' I growled.

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