Chapter 7: The Pain From A Heartache

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My heart still hurts from the last chapter. I'm going to go cry in a corner.

Anywhore. On with this chappie chap chap!



1 year later

I let out a whimper as the rogue bit my ankle.

Why am I so weak?

I growled and shook him off and immediately jumped at him.

He howled in pain as I ripped a chunk of his neck out and spit it out on the ground.

I breathed heavily as the last rogue fell to the ground dead.

'Because we rejected him. It's going to affect us.' Ava whispered sadly.

'Well it shouldn't!' I growled as I pawed at the ground. 'It's been a fucking year!'

'Well it does okay!' Ava yelled at me. 'So you are just going to have to deal with it!'

I stood there shocked.

Ava has never yelled at me like that.

'A-Ava?' I asked.

I heard her sigh. 'I'm sorry Ace. I really am. I didn't mean to snap.'

'I think this whole rejecting thing got us messed up.' I admitted.

'I think you're right.' Ava said softly. 'I'm gonna go rest. I'll be back later.'

I didn't get a chance to say anything because she shut me out.

Grabbing my clothes, I shifted back and put them back on.

I growled and punch the closest tree to me.

I heard a crack and watched the tree fall down.

Just. Great.

Just fucking great. I punch a tree and make it fall down.

Mother Nature is going to kick my ass.

I growled as I heard a crack of lightening and it started to rain.

Yep. I made her mad.

Sorry Mother Nature...

'Where are you?' Colby asked in a panicked voice.

'West border.' I said. 'What's wrong?'

'Rogues. South border.' Colby growled.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I growled and shot off in that direction.

What is with all these rogue attacks lately? They are literally everywhere.

When I finally made it to the border, there were rogues everywhere.

I growled and took off in some random direction and jumped on a rogue.

I took my paw and slashed his face.

That is for thinking you can attack my pack.


That is for actually attacking my pack.


And this is for thinking you could win.

I growled and bit his throat.

'There's so many.' Zylen growled as she took one out.

'How the fuck are they getting passed my patrol?' I growled.

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